Hiding His Word

Because He Is in Our Midst {Memorize Isaiah 12:6}
This is our final week in Isaiah 12 together, leading up to Resurrection Sunday. We pray that you’ll continue to keep these words fresh on your lips and in your heart as you celebrate our risen Savior this weekend and beyond. MEMORIZE Shout, and sing for joy, O inhabitant of Zion, for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel. Isaiah 12:6 REJOICE! Our final verse in Isaiah
Depression and Biblical Truths to Hang on to…

Depression – Truths to Hang On To, Recap
This month, we’ve taken a good look at the realities of depression. We hope that we’ve encouraged you to hang on to God’s truths. We pray that whether you’re hurting or comforting a loved one, our words brought you hope and pointed you to our loving and present God. This month we’ve asked if you: Can’t feel God’s presence? I wrote about remembering the truth of God’s presence, even when
Building a Bible Study Notebook – Printables!

Building a Bible Study Notebook: Series Wrap Up
All this month, we’ve been sharing printable resources to help you build a Bible study notebook. Here is our month long wrap up and a printable packet of our resources. I quoted Lisa in the introduction to this series and really like how she explained why it’s so helpful to keep a Bible study notebook. We all know that one effective way to retain what you read is to write