This month, we’ve taken a good look at the realities of depression.
We hope that we’ve encouraged you to hang on to God’s truths. We pray that whether you’re hurting or comforting a loved one, our words brought you hope and pointed you to our loving and present God.

This month we’ve asked if you:
Can’t feel God’s presence? I wrote about remembering the truth of God’s presence, even when you feel alone in your depression.
Tend to be a worrier? Lisa shared with us the great reminder that God provides daily grace to give us the power to stay in the moment and overcome anxiety.
Are you grieving this holiday season? If you are, we pray that you’d find great comfort through Lindsey’s helpful tips.
Trying to find your role in all of this? Caroline pointed out that none of us are exempt from dealing with depression because we are to emulate Christ’s call and love for community and help the hurting among us.
Overwhelmed by your emotions? Fight the lies about your identity that depression brings by steeping in what the Word says about who you are in Christ. Print the list of scriptures that Patti shared.
So, again, thank you for joining us this month. Depression is a hard topic and a, well, depressing subject. But the truth of the matter is that its reach affects all of us.
But as big as it is, our God is bigger!
“The LORD is near to the brokenhearted
and saves the crushed in spirit.
Many are the afflictions of the righteous,
but the LORD delivers him out of them all.” (Psa 34:18,19)
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