Looking for resources to memorize Bible verses?
Read our list of articles below and download our packets of resources to help you memorize God’s truth to hide in your heart for life.
Articles on Bible Memory
Use these tips for both adults and children to better memorize scripture.
- 4 tips for scripture memory
Add one or more of these approaches to your memorizing routine - Think you can’t memorize?
The 1-2-3’s of how our memory challenges work - Truth for kids to tunes we know
Help your kids memorize scripture using songs - 3-step review to help you remember
How to retain your memory verses - When scripture doesn’t stick
10 tips to boost your memory when you’re struggling - Using scripture to resist temptation
Use the spiritual armor against temptation that God has provided us - Free printable of memory verses for trips
5 steps to using memory verses while traveling - 6 scripture memorization tips to help you abide in God’s Word
See this list of tips to help you better memorize scripture this year - Seeds Family Worship
Enjoy this scripture set to music for families - Raising kingdom builders with scripture memory
Equip your children for independence through memorization - Top 10 memorizing tips for kids
Helpful tips for kids (and grown-ups can use them too!) - Choosing scripture for children to memorize
Get resources to find verses for your children – and your whole family – to memorize. - What? Me memorize scripture?
How to decide what to memorize, how to keep track of it, and much more
Resources to Memorize Scripture
Ready to memorize a whole chapter?
Use any of these free resources from previous memory challenges at Do Not Depart.
- Deuteronomy 30:11-20
- Psalm 1
- Psalm 27
- Psalm 71
- Psalm 91
- Psalm 121
- Psalm 143
- Isaiah 12
- Isaiah 55
- Lamentations 3:21-26
- Matthew 5:1-19
- Matthew 6
- Matthew 7:1-14
- John 1:1-14
- John 15
- Romans 8
- Ephesians 1
- Philippians 1
- Colossians 3:1-17
- James 1
- 1 Peter 1
- Classic memory verses – sections of chapters + individual verses
Wow. What a bundle of delight here! Thanks for sharing, Lisa. Memorizing scripture is so important yet we tend to skip that. Thanks for reminding us of this and helping us along the way. Blessings to you!
Exactly, Mari-Anna – we sometimes forget that memorization is just as important for adults. We tend to stress it with children, but we adults need the constant flow of truth into our brains and hearts too.
Oh these are wonderful words of wisdom, friend! Thank you so much for pointing us to truth that will truly help transform our minds and our lives – from the inside out!
Thanks, Stacey. Yes, allowing God to change us from the inside out is the best way to make a real change!
This post is so helpful! I’ve pinned it to refer to later. Memorization is something I need continual encouragement on, so I appreciate having all these tips and resources in one place!
I hope this will be helpful, Jana! I like having it all in one place, too. :) We will continue adding to it in the months to come. Thanks for pinning.
Lisa, thanks for all these wonderful resources. I love reading and memorizing God’s Word. After all, so much about the Bible encourages us in letting Scripture change us. Like, “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.” Psalm 119:11
Yes, Karen! The words themselves encourage us to stay in the Word. It’s a beautiful cycle. Glad to know you’re a memorizer too. :)
Thanks for sharing these great resources for scripture memorization. One of my favorite ways to help my fourth grade sunday school class memorize scripture was the white board method where I would erase a word or two each read through. By the end they knew the verse down! I actually have used this method for myself as an adult! :-)
I love your disappearing-word method on your white board, Karen! That works. It reminds me of Scripture Typer (now BibleMemory.com) that gives you every other word, and you fill in the blanks. Then it can reverse full/empty spots for further review.
I’ve found that typically what works for kids, works for adults, too, yes? :)
Hi Lisa!
Thank you so much for mentioning BibleMemory.com (The Bible Memory App)! My sweet nephew is the creator of that app and I’m so proud of who is in Christ. He actually created the app as a personal method to memorize scripture and it blossomed from there. He and his wife created the Bible Memory Kids app after they started their family too! I’m going to reach out to you through email about the app and affiliate program, if you don’t mind.
Oh, that’s wonderful Aunt Ashley! :) We at Do Not Depart and the Hide His Word Facebook group absolutely love your nephew’s app. It really has been a game-changer for so many of us. Let him know that he’s really been a blessing to us.
I sure will, Lisa! I can’t send the link here but if you’ll email me at AshleyPhillips4848@gmail.com I’ll send you a link to the affiliate program.
Okay, just sent you an email. Thanks, Ashley.
Thank you so much for all your effort and for sharing these materials with us!
You’re welcome, Kim. We’re blessed to have you as part of our Hide His Word community for so long!