I shared last week about my struggle of connecting what I know to what I feel and as I wait for this dark cloud to dissipate. His word gives me hope. I have found particular comfort from the Lord through Psalm 143 and feel a leading to hide these truths in my heart.
A Challenge
I would love for you to join me in the challenge to memorize Psalm 143 in the month of August, 2011! Jumping in with others is a great source of accountability and encouragement to me. So, help a girl out?
I plan to take it at a pace of four verses a week This will take three weeks, leaving some time at the end of the month to solidify it all (and a buffer in case I get behind!) If you choose to join in the challenge, you are welcome to go at any pace you would like.
There are three tools which were invaluable to me when I memorized Philippians:
- Audio recordings of the verses.
- Seeing the passage again and again.
- The first letter of each word aid.
So, I’ve recorded Psalm 143. I really wanted a recording with the verse numbers stated. This will help tremendously when I want to reference the verse later on. (Please be kind…I am not a professional recording artist!) You are welcome to use these recordings for your personal memorization efforts. Just click on the link to play them. To download them, right click the file and save it to your computer.
I also made up this wallpaper for my computer. Every time I see it I am reminded to review the verses; and it is pretty! (This was a picture from our mission trip to Haiti.) You are welcome to use this wall paper for your own computer, just click on the picture and right-click to save the image.
Here are the “first letters”. I like to print them up and put them in the shower (in a ziploc baggie!) You can read more about how the “first letters” work here.

Here are more tips and suggestions for the journey:
A Giveaway
Angie over at Crossway books has agreed to provide a copy of My ABC Bible Verses. We have this book, and love it. My sweet Anna memorizing her first verses using this book. She recited them here (SO cute.) To enter to win your own copy of this book, all you have to do is leave a comment. For extra entries you can do any number of the following:
- Link-up a post
- Tweet about this giveaway
- Like this post on Facebook (use the “Like” button, its easy!)
- Subscribe to Do Not Depart
- Like Do Not Depart on Facebook
Be sure to leave a comment for each action you take, to receive the extra entry. The Giveaway will end Friday night at 11pm EST. Giveaway is closed.
hmmm. I may take a break from Philippians and join you on this!! I love all the resources! I’ll work on a post today!!
I just want to say Thank you! Before I came to this website (and heard you girls on twitter) hiding His word was an overwhelming feat. I never thought I could do it. He has used you in great ways, His words that are hidden have already had such an impact on my life. Thank you for being used by Him!
What a great book! I would love to have a copy for my kids to use.
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Thanks for posting the photos of the letter cards for the shower! I had read that before, but forgot about it. I’m a visual learner so that will be so helpful! I’m still working on Proverbs chapters 1-3, and I’ve been getting tangled up at the end of chapter 1. Recording myself reading it on my iphone has helped!
The book sounds great! Do you know of anywhere that shows some of the inside?
Recently I was thinking of talking to my son’s children’s church director to see what she thinks about having the kids’ memory verses be alphabetical. If she doesn’t I want to do this with my kids. I think it will be easier for them to retain what they have learned if they can just go through the whole alphabet. We have a copy of the New England Primer which has this as well. Back in 1777, that’s the way the kids learned their alphabet!
I’ve enjoyed using the alphabet. We have also tried incorporate the signs for the letter. So, I do the sign for the letter and say it, and that is their cue for the verse.
I actually have this book already too. My 4yo memorized her first verses from this book too! She was 3 at the time. Sooo awesome and amazing! I would love to win this for my nephew though.
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Would love to memorize Psalm 143 and win the book to stay memorizing with Emma! Leaving to like the post on facebook!
Just liked the DND FB page
Just liked the post for the challenge!
Already subscribed to the blog via google reader.
I think I am going to try to do the memorization this month! I am horrible at memorizing things, so this looks like a good one to start with, not TOO long ;-) Also, I would love to be entered to win the book, I have been wanting to get it for my son!
Welcome, Ali! Excited to have you join us!
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I like the post on fb =)
This looks like a wonderful book!
I tweeted!