I long for my life to be one which bears the unmistakable mark of a Christian. When people interact with me, I want them to see Christ and His characteristics in me.
But when the baby is crying, my oldest is trying to tell me every detail of his very important dream, my toddler is…well, being a toddler, I’ve lost track of time and we need to be in the car, like NOW, but no one seems to carry the same urgency that I have, and, oh my gosh, I’m still in my pajamas…well, I’m not sure there is much evidence of Christ in me in those moments.
Why is it so hard to do what I desire to do?
If you know this familiar struggle then I’m glad you are reading this. Not (only) because it makes me feel less alone, but because this Fall we are going to take a journey through the Bible to find out how we can have the abiding fruit of Christ in our lives.
We’ve partnered yet again with Inspired to Action’s Maximize Your Mornings Challenge, and have hand-picked thirteen different passages of Scripture to help us understand how the fruit of the Spirit can become evident in our lives. Each Monday, beginning September 19th, we will have weekly Bible study posts for you!
If you are not already diving into a specific study in the Word, we would LOVE for you to join us in making the Abiding Fruit study part of your time with the Lord. You can download the study guide here. Anyone is welcome to join in the study, regardless of whether or not you are doing the Maximize Your Mornings challenge.
This study guide is unique in that we will be guiding you to new passages and YOU will be doing the studying! Each week we will read and study the same passage over the course of five days. Using different study questions, we will observe the passage with a new set of “glasses” each day to help us dig through another layer of Scripture.
If you will be doing the study we’d love to hear from you! Just give us a shout out in the comments and let us know what you are looking forward to as we dive into the fruit of the Spirit. And, if you haven’t already, go ahead and subscribe to Do Not Depart so you can receive the Bible Study posts straight to your inbox!
We are excited about getting to dig into the Word with you!
P.S. Don’t forget about the AMAZING giveaways over at To Overflowing and Living Devotionally. We’re having a party to celebrate the release of our ebook Savoring Living Water: How to have an effective quiet time. Here is a list of all the greatness you can win:
Grace for the Good Girl by Emily P. Freeman (a signed copy!)
A “HelloMornings” coffee mug (I LOVE that the verse on the back is Psalm 143:8!)
Parenting from the Overflow by Teri Lynne Underwood
Two “Clipsie Daisy” super-cute hair clips
ESV Study Bible
31 Days to Clean by Sarah Mae
Classic Bible Commentary
Warrior Prayers, with Leader’s Guide by Brooke McGlothlin
An embroidered tote bag
The party ends Friday night, and nine winners will be chosen, so run and enter while you can!
You must have been sitting in my kitchen as you typed that intro! LOL! I’m in Katie!!
I’m going to do the study and I am so excited!
I’m going to do the study too! Thank you so much!
I’m excited to see what God has in store for us with the study!
Looking forward to this!
Truly looking forward to this study! Thanks:)
Thank you so much for this study. I am looking forward to studying this topic, but even more to learning how to do Bible study more effectively.
I was just perusing the interwebs for a new study on the Fruit of the Spirit when this popped at Inspired to Action yesterday! HELLO?! :-) Can’t wait!
Hello! I got myself registered for Inspired to Action’s MYM & Abiding Fruit came up in a post yesterday somewhere. I have never done anything like this, but am so excited to be stepping out of my comfort zone for something like this!
I’ll be joining the study, but I’m a night-time quiet time kinda girl …
That sounds wonderful!! I look forward to following along! :)
One of the areas of my life that I really wanted to study more was how to have the fruit of the Spirit alive and working in me. I just happened to come across this Bible study the other day and I downloaded and got my notebook ready. I’m so pumped!
I’m in- and plan to do this on my weekday mornings… It will hopefully help me wake up earlier and get in the Word! Thanks for planning this for is!!
The Philippians study was absolutely fantastic. Looking forward to this study together, as well!
I’ll be joining in this study. (I found out about it from my friend, Gertha!) I like the idea of studying one passage per week, so that I can take my time and drink in God’s word.
I will be joining the study! I am very excited :)
I am now on day 2 of this, and I am LOVING it! The format is perfect for where I am right now. By being able to dig deeper each day, I don’t feel so overwhelmed.
Thanks again!
I am a bit late… but would lovee to do this… playing catch up today