Easter is just a week away. Plastic eggs, chocolate bunnies, colorful baskets, and my favorite — Cadbury Mini Eggs — fill the stores.
But is that the best Easter has to offer us today? We get a new dress, stuff ourselves with chocolate, and maybe go to church. Or is there more?
Easter commemorates the death and resurrection of Jesus. This one weekend in human history changed everything. During April, here at Do Not Depart, we will be exploring the impact Christ’s actions have on our life now and eternally. What did Jesus’ death accomplish for us? What victory did His resurrection gain? And how should that affect us in our daily lives?
Let’s start talking now! What did Christ’s death and resurrection accomplish for you?
If you are looking for a way to celebrate a Christ-centered Easter with your family, a great resource is Katie’s newly released 8-day Easter plan: Find More Jesus: How to Make Easter All About Jesus.
Christ’s death and resurrection have accomplished more in my life than I think I’ll ever fully understand on this side of Heaven. By His death, He paid the penalty for my sins. My sin debt has been paid in full by Jesus. What blows me away about all this is He did this while I was still in my sins, living for myself and wanting nothing to do with Him or His Word. (Romans 5:8) His ressurection shows me there is nothing too hard for God to do. To think that I am indwelt by the same power that raised Jesus from the dead, is amazing. No wonder we are more than conquerors (Romans 8:37) and can do all things through Christ who strengthens us! (Phil. 4:19)
Brooke, thanks for beautifully sharing how Christ’s saving work has impacted you!