We’ve covered a lot of ground over the past three weeks. Here is a brief summary of all our posts on this topic of developing and maintaining a daily time in the Bible.
Reading God’s Word: In this introductory post, Stephanie gave us some great questions to ask ourselves as we begin the pursuit of spending time every day in God’s Word.
Why Should We Read the Bible Anyway? Kathy reminded us of the many characteristics of the Bible and, that the bottom line is, “The Bible is God’s revelation of Himself and His ways to mankind – the very words of God ‘breathed’through divinely inspired humans (2 Timothy 3:16).”
What’s Your Goal? Breaking down five different methods of interaction with Scripture, Teri Lynne gave a descriptions of study, devotional reading, meditation, memorization, and action … as well as the goal and significance of each.
Time to Mull, Ponder, Meditate: Kathy’s excellent explanation of meditation also offered specific ideas about how to incorporate this spiritual discipline into our lives.
How Much Time is Enough? “When it comes to the time we spend in God’s Word, there is no such thing as ‘too much’ – there is no such thing as ‘too little.'” Great encouragement from Stephanie about the value of all time spent in Scripture.
Do I HAVE to Memorize? For many of us, memorizing Scripture seems out of reach and far too difficult to even attempt. Teri Lynne explains the benefits of investing time in “hiding the Word in our hearts.”
What? Me Memorize Scripture? Kathy offers some specific methods of memorization and the ways doing so benefits us in our Christian life.
How do I fit it in? part 1 Julie gives wise suggestions about making the Word of God easily accessible. Many seasons of life are particularly difficult and Julie’s practical ideas about “easy access” are very encouraging.
How do I fit it in? part 2 Julie offers more Godly counsel on the nature of our time spent in the Word. This post challenges us to consider the amount of Scripture we consume and the accountability that can help us stay on track, especially during busy times of life.
The Buddy System in Bible Study Teri Lynne looks at Proverbs 27:17 and Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 for guidelines in developing accountability relationships.
You can check out more resource suggestions on the Time in the Word page under Resources and References tab in the right sidebar!
Over the next few days we will be sharing about our own personal Bible study times. We will have an ongoing feature “My Time to Dig” … and we’d love for you to share with us what your quiet time involves. If you are interested, please email us at scripturedig {at} comcast {dot} net and ask for the guidelines.
Thanks for pulling it all together for us Terri Lynne.
Sometimes we hear a lesson that inspires us, but we forget how the previous ones helped nail it down for us. I love that you did this for us!