Mrs. P31 not only looks after her family, she also takes care of others. Proverbs 31:20 says, “She extends her hand to the poor, and she stretches out her hands to the needy.” We talked recently about how God’s heart breaks for those in need and how He uses us to bless them. This verse in Proverbs 31 speaks directly about the poor, but what would happen if we really opened our eyes to those around us who are in need?
Ruth Graham wrote a book entitled In Every Pew Sits a Broken Heart. Her premise was that we can’t tell just by looking at each other in our “Sunday best” how hard someone’s life may be. I think of this each Sunday when I look around our sanctuary. I try to think about it each time I leave the house. There are broken, needy people all around us. Many just need a helping hand to give them the encouragement they need.
The Proverbs 31 woman knew that by giving a little of herself to someone else, she could make a big difference in that person’s life. Here are ten ways we can give a hand to someone in need this week:

- Hold babies in the church nursery.
- Write a letter to a friend.
- Help another customer at the grocery store pick-up something she dropped.
- Bake cookies to share.
- Take a friend’s kids to the park and push them on the swings.
- Loan a book that had a real impact on your life to someone else who may enjoy it.
- Visit a neighbor and take her a pumpkin or mum to decorate her home for fall.
- Comment on a blog post that really speaks to you and pass on the link.
- Gather up clothes your family has outgrown and pass them on to someone in need.
- Ask your waiter if he has any prayer requests and lift him up as you pray for your meal out.
Take time to pray for those you come in contact with this week. Ask God to open your eyes to their needs, big or small. Be sensitive to the Spirit who nudges you to do what you can to help. Be willing to give a hand when you have the opportunity!
What little thing has someone done for you that made a big difference?
Linked up to Oh Amanda’s Top Ten Tuesday!
Sandra – I love this practical list filled with love, action, and encouragement (especially praying for a server and encouraging others)! Yes, the world is full of broken, needy people – myself included! These small actions can often bless in big ways. Thank you for this reminder.
What a powerful quote from Ruth Graham!! You have put together an excellent list of ways we can help with our hands. Thank you so much for sharing! I will pass this along for others to read.
I love this, Sandra! Practical and real … I think that’s exactly who the P31 woman was. Her faith was evident in her character and her actions. What a great example for us to follow.
Your post made me think of that old Steve Green song “People Need the Lord” …
Every day they pass me by
I can see it in their eyes
Empty people filled with care
Headed who knows where
On they go through private pain
Living fear to fear
Laughter hides their silent cries
Only Jesus hears
How often are we just too busy to notice and care….
Thanks Sandra for bringing this to the forefront of my mind and heart today :)
Sandra ~ This post is a great reminder to be consistently conscious of the needs of those around us! Thanks for so many practical tips for turning intention into intentional application! Intentions never make a difference in the lives of others – but what we ‘do’ will!
Great word, Sandra! :-)
I loved your list… I love the small ways that we can help someone else out in a big way. Gets me thinking!!