- Do you think God is cruel?
- Do you think He doesn’t care about the details of your life?
- Do you think He plays favorites, loving some people more than others?
Bad News or Good News?
If (or when) we think cynical thoughts about God, we don’t want to share Him with others. Why would we?
That kind of God is bad news, not good news.
But if we believe God is always good (Psalm 34:8), always compassionate (Lamentations 3:22), always loving (1 John 4:16), we want to talk more about Him (Psalm 145:4).
Even to people who haven’t yet encountered Him.
What we think about God matters. We’re talking about it here all month because theology is not just theoretical; it’s practical.
What You Think About God
As we look today at how our theology affects our encounters with unbelievers, we have to first ask ourselves some hard questions.
- What are my deepest feelings about who God is (not just my “Christianese” answer)?
- Why do I believe that about Him?
- Could I be wrong about what I think?
- How can I learn more accurate information about God?
- How have my personal encounters with God influenced my thinking?
- Do I want to tell others about this God? Why or why not?
The more we know the true God, the more we know pure love.
Share with Others
And the more we know love, the more it spills out of us and onto others.
- We praise God in front of others.
- We love others because He loves them.
- We work in our circles to help others.
- We share our God-stories with others.
So our relationships improve. Our lives become more meaningful. Our faith increases in strength.
Knowing God matters. Not just for our own souls. But also in how we interact with others.
Let’s know God as accurately as we can. Let’s worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:24).
Then we’ll believe He’s worthy of sharing.
Have you read J. I. Packer’s classic book, Knowing God?
What prevents you from sharing God with others? What helps you? Let’s talk in the comments.
Related Reading:
- Psalm 145
A Psalm of David about who God is - Why Do You Want to Know God?
Thoughts from J. I. Packer’s Knowing God - What If You Believed All the Good Things Are True?
What if you believed all God’s promises are true? Imagine that. - 6 Reasons to Study Doctrine by Tim Challies
“Your love for God is limited by your knowledge of him, so that you can really only love him as far as you know him.”
Powerful, Lisa: “The more we know the true God, the more we know pure love. And the more we know love, the more it spills out of us and onto others.” The Good News of Jesus pours out of us when we know & experience it first. Thank you for sharing. : )
Thanks, Crystal. I’m so grateful that He chose to love us first, even when we’re unlovable. He started the chain; we just try to keep it going. :)