Have you been thinking of memorizing scripture? Have you been overwhelmed at the thought of it, maybe looking for a way to ease into it?
If so, we have the perfect challenge for you: The Essentials of Philippians. A challenge to memorize some of the key verses of this amazing book, using Covenant Life Church’s Jesus Our Joy: Scripture Memory Songs from Philippians. This is a great, easy way to “get your feet wet” in scripture memory. If you take up this challenge, you will memorize 41 out of 104 verses, 39% of the book! It includes the following verses and passages, using the English Standard Version.
Philippians 1:3-6, 9-11, 12, 21,27
Philippians 2:3-4, 5-8, 9-11, 12b-13, 14-15a, 20-21
Philippians 3:7-11,14, 20
Make a plan
- Take some time to read the verses, and plan out how many you would like to memorize each week. There are a total of 21 songs.
- Find someone locally to join you in this challenge. Partnership is a big help in providing encouragement and accountability.
- Brainstorm ways that you can use multi-tasking to memorize scripture. Where are the places in your day where your hands a busy, but your mind is free to listen. While you drive? Fold laundry, wash dishes? Are you a runner?
- Plan to memorize the references and not just the words of the verses. This will be invaluable to you when you want to point someone (or yourself!) to these great truths.
Gather your materials
- Follow this link, scroll down to the second set of songs, and download each of the songs onto your computer. Import them into iTunes, put them on your phone, burn a CD for your car. Whatever works for you, so that you can have the songs available throughout the day.
- Get notecards and a journal to write your verses in. Find something small that you can keep with you at all times, so as to take advantage of spare moments here and there that you may have to review.
- Pick a day for your “prep day”. This is where you can write out the verses for the week in your journal and on your cards that can go up around the house (bathroom mirror, nightstand, refrigerator, computer, shower-in a Ziploc, have all been helpful places for me.)
Stay connected
- If you tweet, follow me on Twitter, and join in the #HideHisWord stream on Twitter. Tweet something like ” I am joining @KatieOrr22 and others at #HideHisWord to memorize the Essentials of Philippians. Join me? “
- Leave a comment below to let us know that you are joining us in hiding the Essentials of Philippians in your heart.
- Subscribe to Do Not Depart. We will have regular scripture memory tips, as well as monthly post link-ups for you to comment or link up a blog post on your progress.
- If you have a blog write a post about this challenge and link it up at the beginning of the month. If you like, grab the button below for your blog and posts so we can find each other and spread the word about the challenge.
The Essentials of Philippians is a part of a challenge to make scripture memory a life-long habit. You can learn more at the Hide His Word page!