Maybe we’re the only ones with a calendar that looks absolutely crazy this summer. But I sort of doubt it. In fact, I’d imagine that even if you are staying close to home, you’ve still got plenty of notes and “hope to dos” on your summer agenda. Let’s face it, that’s the best part of summer: easing up on the must do list and embracing the summer fun list. As I write, my girl is outside with her friend playing in the water hose. I have photos of my friends and me doing the same thing when we were their age. {a very long time ago!}
The truth is, we need this relaxing season.
Autumn will come soon enough with its school schedules and football games, dance classes and homework. For now, during this ever shortening summer break, we need to take a break from the demands of the rest of the year and embrace simple things: freshly squeezed lemonade, hand-cranked ice cream, sun-kissed days at the lake, and beach towels hanging on the fence to dry.
The downside of all this grilling, swimming, and traveling can be maintaining a consistent time of personal devotions. I know, I struggle with it every single summer. Understanding this, I thought I’d share six tips for keeping on track spiritually during the fun of summer. We’ll use the acronym SIMPLE to help remember these six suggestions.
S — Stay the course.
Yes, it’s harder during the summer to keep our daily devotions consistent. In fact, I did a survey of my friends whose kids are no longer in the home and they concurred that even after our children are grown we tend to struggle more with spiritual consistency during the summer months. Stay the course, friend! Don’t beat yourself up and don’t feel like you’re the only one who has a hard time. If you miss a day (or five), just start where you are. Trust me, there is no perfect quiet time, summer or not.
I — Involve the family.
Maybe this is a great time for you to start having family devotions or reading the Bible together before or after meals. Summer can be an opportunity to focusing a little more on helping your children mature in their spiritual habits. Sometimes the freedom from school work opens doors for wider conversations and a willingness to try new things. Embrace that! And be sure to keep reading along with this series for more suggestions about how you can involve your family in summertime spiritual growth.
M — Memorize Scripture.
Maybe summer isn’t the best season for you to do an in-depth Bible study. It isn’t for me either. But it is a great time to work on Scripture memorization. We’re hiding classics in our hearts this summer here at Do Not Depart. Join us each Monday to find out what verse we’re learning (or refreshing) each week. This week’s verse is John 3:16.
P — Press into wisdom.
Let’s face it, we all need more wisdom. And we all know the Bible is the best place to grow in true wisdom. So, what if you spent the summer pressing into wisdom. My Bible study group spent May reading Proverbs. We read a chapter each day and when we met each week we shared what we had learned. Another great book of wisdom is James. Read a chapter of one of these books each day and purpose to grow in wisdom this summer.
L — Lean on others.
I mentioned my Bible study group. They are a fabulous group of women who have become dear friends and encouragement in my life. One of the best things I gain from this group is accountability. We ask each other what we’ve read and what we’re learning. Everyone needs people like that in their lives. Invite accountability into your life this summer. I promise it will help you stay on track!
E — Expect reasonably!
This one is so important. Be generous and gracious with yourself. God isn’t displeased with you if you don’t do a major Bible study during the summer months. These months of trips to the beach and catching fireflies are opportunities to experience the freedom of lowering our self-imposed expectations. Maybe you’ll only manage to read a verse or two a day this summer . . . but if you trust God to change you through those verses, He will. And isn’t that really all any of us want? To be changed by Him? {For more on this idea, you might want to read 10 Tips for a Great Quiet Time.}
Summer is here . . . let’s purpose to enjoy it! And let’s agree that simple isn’t bad or less, in fact, simple is often just right!
I love this acronym! What a great way to remember to stay in the Word while enjoying the rest and extra fun that summer brings.
Thank you, Patti!
You are good at those acronyms, Teri Lynne. :-) Great, reasonable tips. Thanks!
Ha! I suppose it’s all the years as a pastor’s daughter and wife. You know how every good sermon has three points that are either alliteration or acronyms!! :)
Love this! Thanks for this wisdom. Looking for more and more ways to involve the kids, now that they are getting old enough to read for themselves!