So many events in our lives are accompanied by a background track. Songs speak to our hearts when only music can be heard above the noise, the pain, the questions, or the confusion. God uses worship music to help us grow. Has God used a song to help you find Him, know Him, follow Him, or worship Him?
The Do Not Depart team knows what it is to experience songs, hymns, and spiritual songs as powerful tools for truth in our lives. Our Bible study is better because of the faith-filled music playing in our lives.
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God. (Colossians 3:16)
This month join us as we look at how God uses music to richly plant His word in us. We’ll share songs that teach and admonish us through the depth of their true messages. We’ll talk about the lyrics and sounds that have given gratitude a means of expression in our own lives. As we do, we pray you will be inspired to use songs, hymns, and spiritual songs as Bible study tools in your own life.
#BibleStudy is better because of faith-filled music playing in our lives. @DoNotDepart #SingPraise < Click to TWEET & share!
I need the words of this songs which plays at thirty second minutes to thirty six minutes please. Thank you
Songs, hymns and spiritual songs i need the words of the songs at thirty second minutes to thirty six minutes please. Thank you.