Do you struggle with keeping Christ the focus of your Christmas? From Black Friday to Christmas day we are often distracted from the Savior we are celebrating. Why is it so easy to get caught up in it all when we know Jesus truly is the reason for the season.
During the Christmas season, we have an opportunity to reach people who are in need.
Ephesians 2:10 says, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”
Sometimes we just need a plan or an idea to help us shift our celebratory gears. Below are 25 ways to help us keep Christ the focus of our Christmas. Perhaps they will help us all do some of those good works God prepared for us to do.
Here we go:
1. No tree. Place a large manger scene in your living room instead. Place your gifts in front of the manger.
2. Ornaments with the various names and titles of Jesus on them. (You can create your own & make it a family time craft event)
3. Throughout the month of December, read the Bible with your family at dinnertime and focus on passages that teach who Jesus is and what He has done for us.
4. Teach your children of Jesus’ sacrificial love by taking them shopping for those who are unable to give anything in return.
5. Determine to give a tangible gift to Jesus. Put it in a box, wrap it and put it under the tree. On Christmas day, explain why you are giving that particular gift to Jesus.
6. Give the gift of time to a particular ministry to show the love of Jesus. (A homeless shelter, a children’s home, a hospital, ect…) Or write cards or give gifts to a family of a prisoner.
7. Hold a birthday party for Jesus. (You may want to let your children know it’s not the actual “day” of His birth, but a time we celebrate Him)
8. Invite a widow or someone who is alone to spend Christmas with your family.
9. Create a family Christmas play. Practice throughout November & December. Put out flyers in your neighborhood and do the play in your front lawn on Christmas eve.
10. Play “Jesus” Christmas music all month long.
11. Organize a group to go caroling during Christmas.
12. Do random acts of giving in Jesus name. (Pay for the person’s meal behind you, rake the neighbor’s lawn, ect…)
13. Take food to a family in need.
14. Buy some gifts and take to the hospital to give to those who are in long term or critical care.
15. Put a play on or sing Christmas carols at a local nursing home.
16. Help your children earn money to buy gifts for Operation Christmas Child or a local children’s home.
17. Help your children earn money to give to a missionary.
18. Help your children earn money to buy gifts for a missionary child on the field.
19. Organize a coat and/or blanket round-up for a homeless shelter near you.
20. Make or purchase gifts to give to your neighbors. Especially the ones you are trying to reach for Christ.
21. Bake goodies for your neighbors, family and friends.
22. Make your indoor and outdoor decorations reflect that Jesus really is the reason for the season.
23. Help your church collect gifts for a family in need.
24. Send Christmas gifts and cards to military personel, their families.
25. Share Jesus with as many people as you can between now and Christmas.
Christmas is such a wonderful time of year. It’s the time the world is reminded that God loves us so much that He sent His only begotten Son so we could spend eternity with Him. It’s the time we reflect on the earthly life of Christ…from the cradle to the cross. It’s the time we celebrate Jesus and all that He is and all that He’s done.
I know you probably have a few ideas of your own. How do you keep Jesus the focus of your family’s Christmas? I’d love for you to share some of the ways you maintain a Christ centered Christmas!
Stephanie, thanks for all the practical – and fun – suggestions for helping us stay focused on Jesus!
Kathy ~ We could start a new song with a list of some tips to keep a Christ-centered Christmas – “Making a list, checking it twice, gonna find how I can focus on Christ!”
I love that!
Ooh, I like that idea! Or a new version of “Twelve Days of CHRISTmas” song! With verses or with things to do to stay centered on Christ. Fun! Sounds like a good project.
Great tips! Thanks for sharing them with us.
Living for Him, Joan
Joan ~ Thanks so much for digging with us! I hope your Christmas is filled with the blessing of knowing Him and making Him known!
Keep all the Chirstmas cards you recieve out, or in a basket that is handy.At the dinner table take a card pray for the person/family that sent it to you.
Oklahoma ~ I love that idea! It’s a great way to love on those who you know through prayer and sharing fond memories with each other!
Love all these ideas!
Here is our “plan” for this year (a four-post-series). A Do Not Depart Christmas, Treasuring Christ as the True Gift.
Katie ~ So glad you’re digging with us. I checked out your site and love how you love the Word! Women in the Word together! I love it!
Thanks Stephanie.
I have recently found this blog, and am excited to read more!
wow, love these practical suggestions, I am so saddened by how quickly even my 3yo is picking up the “Santa” mania, everyone is saying 9 more sleeps til Santa comes, have you been good, wouldnt it be great if in the street we were saying ” * more sleeps til we celebrate Jesus’, glad He came because He loved us even though we just couldnt be good….”
I love Scripture Dig, you are such a blessing to me everyday! Thank you sweet sisters,
In His Joy,
Carolyn ~ We are SO glad you’re diggin’ with us! I love what you said… “wouldnt it be great if in the street we were saying ” * more sleeps til we celebrate Jesus’, glad He came because He loved us even though we just couldnt be good….”
Let’s do just that! We can start a revolution! :-)
These are great, practical suggestions, Stephanie. Thank you for sharing them!
I like the second one… ornaments with names of Christ. Sounds like a good children’s fellowship project! And, of course, reading the Bible together as a family is always a good choice.
Our fellowship goes caroling every year… we love it, and the people we sing to seem to be blessed by it as well! It’s a great way to share joy and God’s love through song and praise.
One little thing we’ve done this year is ask family to donate to Christ-centered organizations (like Compassion International, for example) in lieu of at least some gifts.
Caroline ~ When our kids were young, we’d go to North Carolina for vacations and stop at a shop that sold beautiful ornaments with the names of Jesus on them. Those are my favorite ornaments! I love the giving up one gift to give to another in need idea!