You will say in that day: “I will give thanks to you, O LORD, for though you were angry with me, your anger turned away, that you might comfort me.”
Isaiah 12:1
Our mouths can get us into trouble. With our mouths we can tell lies, speak harshly, and complain often.
But our mouths can also bring God glory. When we are giving thanks to the Lord with our words, we are using our mouths wisely.
As we begin memorizing Isaiah 12 over the next six week, let’s pray for wisdom to intentionally use our mouths to do the following:
- Speak truth
- Thank God
- Breathe in grace
Find all three of these in Isaiah 12:1. What a beautiful opening to this chapter we are memorizing!
Name one thing you can thank God for this week. Share in the comments.
Lisa, I enjoyed the reminder to take care what I use my mouth for, as I memorize Isaiah 1 this week. Boy can I let my mouth get away from me sometimes! But what I am thankful for this week is God’s faithfulness in times of trial. He doesn’t “send” us through trials, He leads the way, keeping us close by Him.
That’s so true, Donna. There’s such a difference between “sending” us through challenges versus “leading the way” through them with us!