When our kids were young we did a lot of cross-country driving. Combine little money for airfare with living far away from grandparents and you’ve got at least two long days in the car – one way.
It’s not easy to keep 3 kids under 10 restrained in the back seat for hours on end. I did everything I could think of to keep the kiddos occupied. Lots of snacks – healthy and not so healthy. Games like I Spy and 20 Questions. Books and toys.
Travel time, whether it’s by plane, train, or automobile, does provide a great opportunity to teach our kids about God. But we must be purposeful. Don’t skip the Word, when you skip town!
When Julie introduced our June theme she said:
Vacations are not only times for adventure, rest, and relationship. Vacations are also opportunities for a fresh infusion of truth into our tired lives.
The Do Not Depart team wants to help you do just that by providing tools you can use. Today, the tool is a 7-day devotional guide you can use during your family vacation. Do it in the car, on the beach, or around the campfire, but take the opportunity to get in God’s Word together.
Each Scripture reading is about a biblical journey. Questions are provided each day to get your family talking together about the truth presented in each story. Download the guide. Print it off and pack it. It won’t take up much space!
What are some things you’ve done in the past to keep yourself and your family in the Word when you travel?
What a great resource, Kathy. Love it. Thanks for putting the work into this. May it bless many!
Thanks Lisa, I had fun putting it together!
Yes, I agree with Lisa! We can even download it to mobile devices as a PDF for even less packing! :-)
Caroline, that certainly makes it easy to take along!
I love the download, even for me who doesn`t have children. It`s the perfect size to take camping and will be great conversation starters around the campfire….thanks
Carol, you’re right! It’s a great devotional for anyone. And although travel themed you can use it any time!
Our church has 10 members leaving for a mission trip Saturday. Printed it off for them to take along!
Marilyn, that’s a great idea! Thrilled to know the devotional guide is going on a mission trip!
“Don’t skip the Word, when you skip town!” – Wise, wise words. Thank you!
Sheryl, thanks for stopping by today!
Going to France with 3 kids, thanks for the devotional. I can’t wait to use it.