{Such a great post .. we’re linking it to Top Ten Tuesday at Oh Amanda’s! Better two weeks late than never!! ~ Teri Lynne}
In just over a week, my husband and I will be taking our son, our youngest, to college. So many questions and concerns pop in and out of my head as the day draws near. Things like:
- Will he take his studies seriously?
- Will he make friends and feel connected?
- Will he make church a priority?
- Will he stand firm in the truth he has been taught?
- Will he always have clean underwear?
For eighteen years we have taught him God’s truth and tried to live it out before him. We shared our “learned by experience” wisdom with our son, praying that he would not have to learn all these lessons the hard way. The closer the day of his departure draws the more urgent the message becomes. Now he has to make it his own. He has to live it out for himself.
In the book of Proverbs, the father also admonishes his son to live in God’s wisdom. In the first seven chapters we see ten specific “appeals to wisdom.” The father’s directives include reasons the son should comply. The father says “don’t” or “do” then follows it with a benefit or consequence. (He knew his son would want to know “why” he should heed his father’s advice.)
These ten passages are packed with much more wisdom and godly advice than we have room to cover here. I have merely summarized the father’s advice. I encourage you to take the time to read the passages and mull over the wisdom found there. Here’s my summary:
1. Proverbs 1:8-19
Appeal: Don’t be swayed to go after “ill-gotten” gain.
Why: Greed fosters all kinds of immoral and illegal behavior that will be your undoing.
2. Proverbs 2:1-22
Appeal: Diligently seek after and follow wisdom and understanding.
Why: Then you will know what it means to fear God and your knowledge of Him will multiply.
3. Proverbs 3:1-12
Appeal: Fear God by acknowledging, trusting, obeying, and honoring Him.
Why: God will guide and strengthen you.
4. Proverbs 3:21-35
Appeal: Diligently preserve sound judgment and discernment.
Why: You will be secure in the Lord’s guidance and protection.
5. Proverbs 4:1-9
Appeal: Honor wisdom and do not forsake it.
Why: You will enjoy full life, security, and honor.
6. Proverbs 4:10-19
Appeal: Stay on the path of righteousness and avoid the way of evil.
Why: You will avoid obstacles and will not stumble.
7. Proverbs 4:20-27
Appeal: Guard your heart and watch your mouth.
Why: You will live a full life and enjoy good health.
8. Proverbs 5:1-23
Appeal: Maintain sexual purity.
Why: Lust is a snare that leads to heartache and ruin.
9. Proverbs 6:20-35
Appeal: Run from lust and adultery.
Why: Adultery destroys and brings disgrace.
10. Proverbs 7:1-27
Appeal: Don’t succumb to seduction.
Why: It leads to death.
Hmm. All sound advice. For our children. For us. May we teach it to our sons and daughters. May we heed it ourselves.
Thank you, Kathy! Such sound counsel and I appreciate how you summarized each one.
I love this! My oldest son is leaving for basic training next month and I will be sharing this with him.
What a great summary, Kathy. Our children are so blessed when we cover these pleas for wisdom. I’m just a few years behind you!
And there is so much more wisdom ahead for us in Proverbs!
Kathy, I know sons and daugthers are a little different but God is the same. I know that he will take care of your son the same way he took care of me while I was in college. God lead me to a great church family while in college and when I look back on college life, I always remember them and campus bible studys. So impacting. I hope to study the passages you mentioned above. Be encouraged.
Visited from Top Ten Tuesday
Awesome! Sounds like an outline of prayer points to me!
Thank you for linking up!