Mentor and Friend ~ Kristi Stephens

I’m so thankful for my mom! She has always been a wonderful mother, and I treasure that as I’ve grown older she has become a dear mentor and friend to me, as well. I love that when my mom and I talk on the phone, our time is often equally split between updates on the children and what we’ve been doing in ministry.
I so admire my mother for how she is actively mentoring younger women in their church, teaching God’s Word, and lending guidance to younger female leaders around her. A little part of me is jealous that I’m not in their church benefitting from serving there alongside her, but I’m deeply grateful to call her my mom! She is a Titus 2 woman – and I pray that I will be like her as I grow older, not just in phrases I hear myself saying as I raise my children, but also in the godly pattern of her life.
Just Like Mom- Sandra Peoples
I have spent my entire life hearing that I look just like my mom. People would say, “You must be Thresia’s girl.” There were times I didn’t always appreciate this (especially since I grew up in a small town in Oklahoma where news got back to your momma about what you had done before you even got home)! But the older I got and the more I got to know my mom, I realized that any any comment about our similarities is the highest compliment I could ever receive.
My mom is the most kind, gracious, and patient person I know. She gave me a foundation of faith, unconditional love, and support to follow God’s plan for my life. I am thankful for her investment in me. She is my very best friend and I’m blessed to have her just a phone call away!
Lessons Learned ~ Teri Lynne Underwood

My momma is one of the most creative, loving people I know. When she loves you, it is with her whole heart. Growing up I don’t know that I really understood how deep her love for me was … but as an adult, in my moments of deepest fear and hurt, it was mom’s comforting embrace and willingness to sit with me, silently holding me up, that I began to grasp the depth of her love for me.
Not only has my momma taught me to love, she has also taught me to persevere. Her life has been filled with challenges from being a teenage wife and mother and having a child with a birth defect to losing her mother while she was in her 20s to managing life in while married to a pastor of small church. There have been times she has questioned her faith and questioned her purpose, but she has never once given up hope. I’ve watched her fight for the best for her children and her marriage and I’ve watched her learn to surrender her hopes and dreams and fears and failures to the Lord.
My momma is one of the strongest people I know … and also one of the tenderest. She loves me, my dad, my brothers, our spouses, and our children fiercely. If, as an adult, my daughter is as thankful for and proud of me as I am of my momma, I will truly be blessed.