There’s a reason why little girls hoard stuffed animals, women want to hold babies, and stray puppies see a bulls-eye on a female of any age. In Genesis 3 God broke the news that life would be hard, even ugly, since God’s plan was rejected. Adam had named Eve “woman,” because she was taken out of man (Genesis 2:23). After their sin, he gave his wife a new name: “Eve,” meaning “Mother of all the living” (Genesis 3:20). This name means “life giver” and is a clue that all women would follow Eve as caretakers for life. Our times pose challenges to this calling, but it’s more important than ever that, as women who follow Jesus, we love and look after “life.”
In recent weeks we’ve watched people around the world and in our own nation experience profound suffering due to natural disasters. As the world groans, people need women to offer the kind of tender care woven into the fabric of who we’re created to be.
Recently, abortion rights language changed to “a woman’s right to reproductive health and a woman’s right to privacy.” Some states have legalized assisted suicide. Legislation is underway to withdraw protection for end of life and beginning of life care. Privately, economic pressures have prompted increases in domestic violence. The greater the pain, the greater the need for the Eves of today to love and nurture life.

Eve fell into the trap of questioning God’s goodness. The sin she shared with Adam trickled down quickly, as their own son Cain took the life of their Abel. Her mother’s heart, the heart of a life giver, must’ve grieved for the lost life of her boy, but it must’ve also grieved for their sin that brought suffering into the world. A close look into the eyes of those near us and into the images of destruction proves that natural disasters and personal needs stir the need for women to minister to the living.
Life in our world is under attack. God loves life. As Creator, life glorifies Him. Jesus conquered death to make way for life. Our world must see that we not only love and value life, but we’re willing to step up and protect it. More than ever women of God, “Mothers of all the living,” need to be champions of life!
How do Christian women deal with the causes of the ill, aged, unborn, suffering, and vulnerable?
- Teach our daughters to love life; practice with her stuffed animal or that stray puppy.
- Be an example of a woman who reaches out to the frail and physically weak.
- Respond with love to needy children, hurting adults, and unwed or overwhelmed mothers.
- Reach out to those affected by disaster.
- Pray for our lawmakers, and voice your love of life when given opportunity.
Let’s ask God to use us to love life on His behalf, and be ready to act on that love.
How are you being a “life giver” to people near you?
Has God used a woman in your life to be a nurturer in your life?
Julie, thank you for this timely and challenging word today!
Sometimes we forget that Eve has more to do with us as women than just creating pain in childbirth. ;)
Julie Sanders
Haha, you definitely described my experiences with your first sentence!
And this sentence holds quite a lot of powerful truth: “As Creator, life glorifies Him.” How awesome. And encouraging, too. What a beautiful responsibility we have as women and mothers to care for the life He created and He desires to bring Him glory.
It is beautiful, Caroline, and I’m sad that the world suffers when women try so hard to be everything “else,” instead of loving our privilege of nurturing.
Julie Sanders