{Julie and I share a passion for missions. Perhaps that’s because we’ve both lived lives in a foreign land as missionaries where life is very different than what we experience here in the states. It changes you. It changes your passions, your pursuits and your perspectives. So, when I read Julie’s post, “Be a Woman of the World”, I knew I had to chose this to share with you – because as Julie said, “In a world full of hurting people and injustice, women who lift their eyes from their own table, cubicle, car line, and planner are needed to bring Christ to those longing to know abundant life and peace.” – Thank you Julie for giving us such a beautiful example of grace and strength wrapped in the heart of a missionary girl!}
Be a Woman of the World
Original post – Tuesday, September 21, 2010
I keep expecting to find another page in my planner that says “September,” but it’s not there. I started the month by reflecting on relationships like a woman and her God, her kids, her church, her husband, her parents, her boss, and her friends. We’ve only scratched the surface! But if a woman only nurtures the relationships nearest to her, she runs the risk of becoming cold.
If a woman’s life has been changed by a relationship with Jesus Christ as her Savior, then her relationships with people look different.
Luke 6:32-33 If you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even ‘sinners’ love those who love them. And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit is that to you? Even ‘sinners’ do that.The heart of a woman can’t help but turn outward when God is the Lord of her heart and mind. She isn’t meant to only turn her focus inward, circle the wagons, and isolate herself. She is meant to impact her immediate “world” and her global “world” with the love of Christ demonstrated through her.
Camille is passionate about women facing unexpected pregnancies and families in need around her locally. A young woman in her 20’s, she dedicates herself to supporting her local crisis pregnancy center and helping families struggling in the difficult economy. She’s taken a business she is part of ( Baby Jar ) and used it to highlight the needs of unwed mothers and at risk families, putting $ where her heart is by donating part of their profits to relieving need. Camille looked around where she lives and saw needs right in her own area, thought about her resources, and decided to offer her energies to ministering the love of Christ to others. Very simply, she says their “mission and vision is to make a difference in and around our area here in ** Florida – bestowing upon those families and individuals tangible and spiritual blessings.”
Becky is uniquely prepared and gifted to be a partner, advocate, and voice for vulnerable women and children globally. She established WAR International for Women at Risk, “Creating safe places for women and children rescued from many abuses including human trafficking/sexual slavery … to give voice to their silenced cries.” She has creatively and passionately stepped in to educate people like me and you about those we may be tempted to try not to think about. Le t’s faced it; it’s ugly information, and it can be overwhelming. How can I help from where I live? You can read about this ministry started by a woman who let herself love the world for Jesus. This weekend there is even a chance to join her in a weekend of fasting and prayer. And as you shop for the holidays, WAR offers gifts made by and in support of vulnerable populations. This is a beautiful picture of how one woman is relating to her world and being used to change lives as the messenger of Jesus’ love. It is love in ACTION.
So glad that this passion binds our hearts together, Stephanie! Just this past month, my “global heart” has been stirred while I’ve been in Asia and South America. Our world is definitely in need of women who look up and see the needs. If we really believe God’s Word is true, it has to change the way we see our world and the people in it.
Such an important reminder. One truth that helps me renew my focus is that God created ALL of us and we are called to love ALL of us. But, I need renewal to stay on that path! Thanks for this post of Julie’s!