Easter was always God’s Plan A. Jesus coming to earth, dying, and climbing out of the tomb was not the back-up plan after God’s other efforts to save the world fell through.
For you know that is was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed from the empty way of life handed down to you by your forefathers, but with the precious blood of Christ, a lamb without blemish or defect. He was chosen before the creation of the world, but was revealed in these last times for your sake. 1 Peter 1:18-20, NIV
Just imagine the conversation the Trinity had before God created the world:
We know mankind will reject us and choose their way.
Yes, and death will be the result.
But we will provide a way of forgiveness, salvation, and restoration.
We will Ourself provide a perfect sacrifice.
Everything in God’s Word points us to Christ and His provision for us. From Genesis to Revelation we read God’s story of redemption. Everywhere we look we see shadows and pictures of our Redeemer. From God’s covenant with Abraham and Passover to the Tabernacle and the Sacrificial system everything is a picture of Christ’s work.
I invite you to spend the next 21 days immersing yourself in the biblical story of redemption. Download and print the Bible reading plan. The selected readings start in Genesis and continue through Jesus’ ascension. The one-page plan also includes questions for reflection and application. (If you start today, you will read about the resurrection on Easter Sunday, then you will have a couple more days of reading.)
Let’s not wait to Good Friday to start thinking about God’s provision for us through Christ.
What is your favorite picture or shadow of Christ in the Old Testament?
What a wonderful resource! Thank you so much Kathy!
I enjoyed putting the reading plan together!
Just downloaded my copy. Thanks, Kathy.
Glad you got it!
Just downloaded my copy too! Thank you!
Hi Melinda, thanks for coming by! Hope the plan is encouraging to you!
thanks Kathy just downloaded my copy
Hi Olga! Happy Easter!