I knew how to dog paddle when it grabbed me and pulled me away to danger, little match for the water of the Outer Banks in North Carolina. Rip currents surprise unwary swimmers and threaten to pull them from shore and to disaster.
Last week I saw a warning sign posted along the Gulf Coast: Break the Grip of the Rip. If we’re going to swim in the ocean, we need to be aware of potential dangers and how to respond:
- Know where the dangerous currents are and avoid them.
- Know how to get out of a rip current if you’re in one. (Swim out and AWAY)
- Know how to reach out and take a hand of rescue if offered.
Trying to have quiet time with the Lord can be like fighting the rip current of life’s distractions and interruptions. Just when we are enjoying the warm rhythm of God’s truth washing over us, something grabs at us and threatens to pull us away to the dangerous place of drifting without Him. It may look different for each of us, but Satan knows what to use to pull us under and away from our Lord. The solution for facing these Quiet Time Busters is similar to facing ocean currents:
- Know what distractions are dangerous and avoid them.
- Know how to get away from distraction when it comes. (Turn out and AWAY)
- Know how to take help when offered to you.
We can break the grip of the rip, because we have the Holy Spirit to empower us to face things that would pull us from God’s path. As we feed on His Word, we gain strength and wisdom to recognize and resist dangerous currents. As a child I was no match for the rip current, but God sent rescue in the form of an older, experienced, unselfish hand of rescue. We hope we might be that hand here at Scripture Dig, and we pray you will be that for those around you. Look around … someone may need a hand to break the grip of the rip in their lives.
Your distractions probably don’t look very different than mine, so I’ll leave you with my “Alphabet Priorities.” Print them out and put them next to your towel in the morning, so you’ll be ready to “Break the Grip of the Rip” as you dive in.
No adoration, no agendaNo Bible, no breakfast
No Christ, no computer
No devotions, no duties
No exaltation, no errands
No Father, no fun
No God, no goodies
No heaven, no housework
No Immanuel, no itinerary
No Jesus, no job
No King, no Kindle
No Lord, no laundry
No Master, no memos
No kneeling, no networking
No obedience, no occupation
No prayer, no planner
No quiet time, no quality
No reflection, no rush
No Savior, no schedule
No trust, no tech
No understanding, no undertaking
No value, no vocation
No waiting, no work
No ‘xpectation , no ‘xercise
No Yahweh, no yoke
No Zion*, no zoe**!
*Zion refers to heaven, the hope and ultimate home for believers.
** Zoe = LIFE!
Click here to read more about overcoming the grip of the Quiet Time Busters in your life.
Julie, I LOVE this!! Thank you so much. The “Alphabet Priorities” is great! And convicting.
this is wonderful. I’ve heard of No Bible, No Breakfast (read it in an Elisabeth Elliot book), but all the rest. . . terrific. thank you
Great Post. Those rips can be scary. Thanks for the great application. Love it!
Love this! It IS very convicting! I find that when I feel like I’ve “had no time” for my quiet time, what that really means is that I wasted a lot of time earlier in the day to do things like get on my computer or do house chores or sleep. I need to make my quiet time a priority and not allow myself these other things until I’ve spent time in the Word and with the Lord! Great post! Thanks!
I LOVE the alphabet! Such great application.
Great post Julie! I love practical stuff we can take home, live out and apply on a daily basis. I LOVE it! :-)
Dear Julie,
This is so true. I’ve certainly been experiencing this lately in my life and I’m so
disappointed in myself. I’m no match for the ocean and I need the Holy
Spirit to help me keep on track! Your list is one of the ways He can do that with me.
Lv, Mom
Julie, I love this. Mom
Absolutely going on the bathroom wall!
No Christ- no computer!
Dont we make just foolish excuses about our busyness and it is just our priorities- you are completely right- thank you so so so much.
Excuse me now, I have a power cord to put under my Bible & journal,
Bathroom wall – great place. :) So glad it was a help. The Lord whispers these lines to me often.
Julie Sanders http://www.comehaveapeace.blogspot.com