Today we welcome Natalie Ard, creator of The Easter Story Egg. Natalie’s unique activity helps kids focus on Jesus and stay in the Word as they anticipate Easter.

As an adult and a mother I can look past the jelly beans and Cadbury Eggs, and know that Easter is about the cross and Jesus. It is about resurrection and new life! This isn’t so easy for a kid. So, how would I keep my children’s’ eyes and heart fixed on the true meaning of Easter? How could I get them to look past the yummy chocolate and life sized bunnies?
The Easter story is one of the most beautiful and important stories we will ever teach our kids. Why not make it fun? I decided to create an activity and tradition for families to help them tell the Resurrection story. I wasn’t really sure where to begin when I began the development process. I knew I wanted to make the activity fun, playful, and something children could interact with. I decided an “egg” would be the perfect place to start. Dying eggs and egg hunts are often the first things that come to mind when a child thinks about Easter. The egg is also an ancient symbol of new life, and for Christians the egg resembles Jesus’ emergence from the tomb and resurrection. That was it! I would tell the Easter story through an egg.

The Story Egg is a tradition that celebrates the true meaning of Easter. This family activity includes a hardcover book and 7 wooden nesting eggs – Palm Sunday Egg, House of Prayer Monday Egg, Teacher of Love Tuesday Egg, Give and Take Wednesday Egg, Last Supper Thursday Egg, Good Friday Egg, and Holy Saturday Egg.
The Story Egg book begins on Palm Sunday and ends on Easter Sunday. Each egg within the set of nesting eggs has a story that relates to a particular day in Holy Week, leading up to Easter Sunday. As the children open each egg they will discover the Easter story and the journey of Jesus through the week of Easter. The book is written in rhyming format, and the illustrations are brightly colored yet simple to encourage a child’s imagination.

This is so neat! Pinning this!