Self-righteousness, shallow understanding, sinful abandon— common among sin-sick humanity; detested by God. In a series of parables, Jesus, the Master Storyteller, equates these characteristics with fruitless trees, barren soil, and weeds. Over the next three days, Jesus will teach us field-tested lessons about bearing fruit, cultivating fertile soil, and preparing for harvest as participants in the kingdom of heaven.

Day 8: Repent
Read Luke 13:6-9.
Frustrated with Israel’s pursuit of fruitless, works-based religion, Jesus tells a parable about the need for repentance. The fig tree in the story represents Israel. God, the vineyard owner, is ready to cut down the tree and be done with them. Out of His lovingkindness and because there is no guarantee of tomorrow for humanity, Jesus, the gardener, asks the Father for more time to bring the wayward people to repentance.
Bear fruit in keeping with repentance. (Matthew 3:8)
Bible commentator, David Guzik, writes, “We can’t come to the kingdom of heaven unless we leave our sin and the self-life.” Repentance, turning away from sin to run toward God and His purpose, leads us into the arms of the Savior. Jesus greets us with grace and clothes us in His righteousness. Repentance yields a manifest Christ-life. For a moment, put yourself in place of the tree in this parable. Is there any fruit? What do you need to turn to God for today? Don’t wait for tomorrow.
Day 9: Receive the Word
Read Matthew 13:3-8 and Matthew 13:18-23.
Soil conditions are the focus of The Parable of the Sower, our reading today. Good soil, in the kingdom of heaven, is found in a Believer who submits to the working of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in his/her life. In this good soil, God’s Word grows deep roots, and produces much fruit. Taking nineteenth century preacher, Charles Spurgeon’s suggestion that every Christian needs a soil test, here is a brief soil assessment based on David Guzik’s commentary on this parable:
1. Is there room in our lives for God’s Word? If not, Satan is more than glad to keep us out of God’s Word.
2. Do we approach the Word with eagerness, only to become indifferent? It is possible for God’s Word to get established with little understanding and faith, but eventually the lack of depth will cause it to wilt away.
3. Do we try to engage in the Word while being distracted by worldly pursuits? Jesus makes it clear we can’t do both; we can’t be fruitful for God while trying to please the flesh.
4. Is your pursuit of God’s will and purpose in accordance with His Word evident in your life? If so, you have good soil for faith to grow deep and take root.
Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly. . . . (Colossians 3:16a)
In this season of spiritual reflection, may you honor God by allowing His Word to inhabit every area of your life.
Day 10: Persevere in Hope
Read Matthew 13:24-30 and Matthew 13:36-43.
Jesus says, “this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent” (John 17:3) Eternity begins when we say “yes” to God and our Savior, Jesus. This being true, Believers participate in the kingdom of heaven while on earth. In today’s parable the children of God (wheat) live alongside the sons darkness (weeds) until Christ returns for His Church.
Knowing this, how should we live? In writing to the Ephesians, Paul answers,
. . . for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true). . . . (Ephesians 5:8-9)
In our struggle with the world, we must continue in good works motivated by love and prompted by faith, tether ourselves to God’s Word, and persevere because our hope is in the Lord. Take confidence in this: God will administer justice to those who belong to darkness, He will harvest His own, and “the righteous will shine like the sun in the kingdom of their Father” (Matthew 13:43).
Lenten Reflection
May God bless you and keep you through His Word and His Spirit during these 40 Days with the Storyteller. As you sit at the feet of The Storyteller, what are you learning about living in the kingdom of heaven? Please share in the comments.
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