{For the next several weeks, we’ll be sharing with you some of our favorites every Friday.}
With so many outrageous and interesting people mentioned in God’s Word, we thought you might be interested in knowing who some of our favorites are.
Teri Lynne: Rahab. I find myself continually in awe of her determination and willingness to stand against her culture and possibly even her family in order to assist the Hebrew spies. While she had no personal knowledge of God, she had seen and heard enough to know that He is the true God and was willing to risk everything in order to know more about Him. How I pray that I’ll have that same determination to stand strong!
Julie: Phoebe. While sitting at the Port of Piraeus near ancient Corinth, a national teacher and friend challenged me with the legacy of Phoebe. She was a sister in the Church who was entrusted with carrying the precious letter of Romans from Paul. Though she lived in a pagan region, she was known for her godliness and her active support and care for God’s servants. She began a great legacy for women today!
Sandra: Paul. I relate to his struggles. I have to remind myself everyday that I am the chief of sinners and that I’m saved by grace alone.
Kathy: Peter. I’ve always been partial to the Apostle Peter because Scripture clearly shows us how Jesus shaped this hard-working, headstrong, common fisherman into a passionate leader he could use to change the world. Jesus strengthened the shaky faith of this impetuous Galilean into a rock-solid, unshakeable faith willing to face martyrdom for Christ.
Stephanie: Deborah. I love how she defines the kind of woman I want to be when I grow up. Strong in faith. Strong in character. Brave. Bold. Determined. Wise. Not only was she a wife, but she also nurtured a nation. She was a world changer who was not afraid of taking a risk and trusted God to be faithful to His Word
Kristi: Joshua‘s life story is amazing to me. He was Moses’ aide and matured into manhood next to this humble man who talked with God face to face – and when Moses left the tent of meeting after his times with the Lord, Joshua stayed behind. No wonder he could see with different eyes as they spied out the land! No wonder he could courageously march around Jericho! A bigger view of God changes everything; I so long for God to consume my thoughts and compel me to live courageously with eyes of faith.
Yay! I look forward to all of these! Thanks, ladies!