Tried and true, the daily devotional book is generally a staple in most everyone’s home. From classics like My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers to newer examples such as Don’t Make Me Come Up There by Kristen Welch, these are wonderful tools for beginning your day and refocusing yourself on God’s Word and His plan. What’s Your Goal? gives a detailed description of the differences between devotional reading and Bible study, as well explaining other ways of interacting with God’s Word.

Teri Lynne: I tried to have only one, I really did! But I couldn’t choose between Jesus Calling and Streams in the Desert. They are both different in tone and style, but both have proven instrumental in helping me understand and grow in my knowledge of the character of God, especially in times of difficulty.
Julie: Part of the One Year Book series, the One Year Book of Hymns offers a historical explanation of what inspired great hymns to flow from the lives of the authors. Scripture accompanies each day’s devotion, along with the lyrics of a great hymn of our faith. Many have long been forgotten, but their timeless truths challenge my thoughts and prayers to go deeper.
Sandra: I have to admit, if it’s popular I tend to think it’s not good. Or at least not deep. So when I saw Jesus Calling by Sarah Young was the #1 best-selling Christian book in 2010, I assumed it was “easy reading.” But Teri Lynne shared quotes from it and I thought I’d check it out. I put it on the Kindle app on my phone and can read it when I’m waiting to pick up my son from school or while dinner is cooking. It’s good for quick encouragement!
Kathy: I rarely use a devotional book for my time with God. Instead I use a Bible reading plan so I can hear what God has to say to me directly. However, I do love Oswald Chamber’s My Utmost for His Highest because it is spiritually meaty and not fluffy.
Stephanie: My Utmost for His Highest. During my 24 years as a Christian, I’ve probably read through it more than 10 times and it always seems to speak to me in the midst of my circumstances every time. I also love to use Oswald Chambers’ quotes.
Kristi: If I read a devotional, I enjoy My Utmost for His Highest , too. I also enjoy C.H. Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening, revised and updated by Alistair Begg – you can receive these free in daily emails by subscribing here.
For Further Reading:
Each of the Scripture Dig writers as well as other guests have shared what their morning quiet times {personal Bible study times} look like. You can see a list of all the different posts by under the category My Time to Dig.
I enjoy Jesus Calling on my iphone too. I usually read the one for tomorrow late tonight. My morning devotional book currently is Breakfast with Jesus by Greg Laurie and I’m really enjoying it.
I usually read Our Daily Bread or the devotional in the back of Charles Stanley’s “In Touch” magazine!
I actually reviewed “Jesus Calling” for Thomas Nelson and it left me feeling convicted. I suppose I have trouble reading words that make it sound as though Jesus is saying them–when he hasn’t (not to me, at least–maybe to Sarah Young during her personal time!). I had the same issue when I read the “Left Behind” series; I couldn’t read the last books when Jesus comes back because they gave Him spoken lines. I guess I would rather not put words in His mouth! Just my two cents.
I love C.H. Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening. He has such great depth. I read it from time to time, but during my quiet time I read the Bible via a reading plan. I just like getting in the word first thing in the morning along with prayer.
Loving the favorites on Friday.
I have always loved Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening!