Sometimes it’s easy to feel like we just here to do things like laundry, drive carpools, and empty the dishwasher. People pull us into the black hole of meeting needs. Other times it’s easy to wonder why we exist at all. Do you know why you’re here? So much about Jesus’ coming was unique, including the fact that He knew exactly why He was on earth.
After healing crowds of desperate and hurting people, Jesus slipped away for some solitude and rest, apart from the black hole of needs. But they found him, longing for their Healer to stay with them. So relieved by His help, Capernaum wanted exclusive rights to Jesus. Even He faced pressure to keep His purpose the priority.
“I must preach the good news of the kingdom of God to other towns as well; for I was sent for this purpose” (Luke 4:43).
It was necessary and right for the Messiah to announce the glad tidings that the Kingdom of God was coming. For people long focused on physical agony or even oppression by demons, the real life-changing news was the rule of Almighty God over all things. Unlike the words of prophets until that point, Jesus brought word that grace would reign because of the one time sacrifice of His life. By taking on human form without sin, Jesus provided for God’s mercy and rule. Though the crowds didn’t know it, hearing about the Kingdom and the news of salvation was the main message they needed.
Found in the solitary place by the grateful but greedy and needy crowds, Jesus did not waver in knowing why He came to earth. “I was sent for this purpose,” to preach “the good news of the kingdom of God” to all. He was intentionally sent by God His Father to an appointed destination, earth, as Savior and Proclaimer to the world.
We’re here for so much more than laundry or shopping for presents or making cookies or addressing cards. Just as Jesus knew why He was sent here, we’ve been commissioned to “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15, NKJV). Maybe we’ll use laundry or a gift or a cookie or a card to do it, but whatever we do, let’s do as Jesus did. Let’s proclaim the good news. That’s why we’re here.
~ Is there someone in the “crowd” around you who needs you to proclaim good news to them this Christmas?
Julie, thanks for reminding us that even though we sometimes get distracted by our physical needs and issues, that “hearing about the Kingdom and the news of salvation” is our main need. Yes, God cares deeply about our physical needs, but He cares even more about our eternal, spiritual condition! That’s why Jesus came.
Julie ~ Making our eternities intentional has been my mantra since I wrote my Bible study on Ecclesiastes! Said beautifully is your reminder that we are here for so much more! And I love how you said, “Found in the solitary place by the grateful but greedy and needy crowds, Jesus did not waver in knowing why He came to earth.”
May we truly make our eternities intentional and may we never waver from our purpose!