You may not carry your devotions in a diaper bag, but you may find it hard to fit in time with the Lord between things like conference calls, errands, and appointments. Simple principles help us make time with the Lord part of our daily walk, no matter what our life’s season. The season of young children, however, seems to have unique obstacles, so we’re going to give some extra attention to those challenges today & tomorrow. Everything seems to be against us when we’re thirsting for time alone with the Lord or feeding from His Word, but have a hungry baby, a teething toddler, and young minds eager for activity and attention. What’s a mom to do when she can’t get to the pure milk of the Word, but finds herself accessorized in sour milk? This season of life calls for a modified approach to getting in the Word and with the Lord, just like it calls for unique approach to just about everything else in life. If a woman will modify her access to the Lord, the amount she tackles, and the accountability in her life, she will enjoy time with the Lord and in His Word as only a young mom can.
Stephanie helped us to address the question of “How much time is enough” that often prompts guilt, and Kathy gave tips for how to make memorization part of everyday life. But your window of opportunity to tackle this question may be passing, so let’s look at the value of Easy Access for Part 1 of the answer to “How do I fit it in?” and tomorrow we’ll look at two more keys to fitting it in.
Easy Access ~
Moms know that to leave without a well equipped diaper bag is a set up for trouble. Easy access to essentials is not negotiable; it’s the same with easy access to tools for her heart. There may be a season when a basket of study supplies may be tucked with a journal and commentary beside a favorite chair in a quiet alcove, but the years of young children will probably not be that season. Instead, it’s best not to be overcome by the demands, but adapt! Increase the potential for satisfying spiritual thirst by making tools easily available.
- Keep materials like a journal, Bible, verse cards, or notebook in a wider variety of places such as: car, diaper bag, stroller, bathroom, rocking chair. And if this isn’t your season of life, apply this to your briefcase, desk, or computer bag.
- Be flexible with formats of truth: internet, ipod, “flash cards,” CDs, small books, smaller notebooks, music, reading aloud, memorizing with children, to name a few.
- Make materials mobile. Don’t be discouraged by interruptions. Pick up the Word and take it with you. Instead of a heavy study Bible suited for your desk or later time of life, use a smaller purse size that goes anywhere.
- Pray as you walk and as you drive and as you nurse and as you fold laundry and as you fall asleep. There will be days to spend uninterrupted time in prayer, but during the sometimes crazy days of young motherhood, give yourself freedom to enjoy doing your day with your Heavenly Father who understands “children” can be demanding. :)
Well your sweet moment of time may be slipping away, and you may be hearing the call of your phone, your dryer buzzer, your voice mail, or your 3 year old …. the list could go on, couldn’t it? My kids are waiting for me, too :) so let’s come back tomorrow to talk about more real ways to fit in time with the Lord. He’s waiting, too.
Julie, fit words spoken by one who has obviously had experience with those crazy days of young motherhood! Thanks!
Isn’t it amazing that every stage of life poses potential obstacles? I guess we never finish having opportunity to overcome the urgent/pressing/immediate to grasp the precious.
Julie Sanders
Thank you, Julie!!
So appreciate your encouragement!!
There were those moments during “toddler/baby” days when I wondered if I would ever have uninterrupted, quiet time for “Quiet Time” again … but it WILL come. :)
Julie Sanders
Julie, I love your heart. Thank you for making this applicable to any busy season of life – whether it be the season of late night feedings or of endless nights at ball fields or ongoing business commitments … your words of wisdom apply to all of us!
That’s my hope, Teri Lynne. It may “look different” in each season of life, but the challenges are the same, and the pay off is invaluable. It’s great motivation to figure out how to make the time to fit in time in the Word.
Julie Sanders
This has been such a struggle for me to fit in time with God. I love your tips – thanks so much.
Randi, you have just made my day! Your response is one of the exact reasons I knew a place like Scripture Dig was needed! Thank you!!
You are not alone, Randi. All of us at the Dig have been where you are. I wish I could say it will “go away” and be “easy” some day, but seems like my weakness shows itself in every stage. Keep digging with us,though, because I CAN say that I’m always so glad for the time I have made to fit it in. Time with the Lord is that water for my thirsty spirit that I need. Praying the tips will encourage you today.
Julie Sanders
I loved how practical and relevant this post is! My kids are adults now, but I’m just now figuring out that it’s wise to make my materials mobile. Diggin’ on the run…I love it!
I love that … “Diggin’ on the run” – Sounds like a future book title! :)
Julie Sanders
This was exactly what I needed! This is what I’ve been struggling with all summer since school got out. I have a 1 year old and finding time to myself to spend time in the Word has just not been happening. It’s great to see tips for young mothers with young children. Thanks for this post and I look forward to tomorrow’s!
Stephanie, I’m so glad to hear it. “Summer + 1 yr old” can equal a great challenge, but press on! Figuring out how to fit in time in the Word will quench the thirst in your spirit like none other can, and with a little one and a busy schedule, you will surely need some refilling. Been there, survived it, praying for you! :)
Julie Sanders
Stephanie, I’m so glad to hear it. “Summer + 1 yr old” can equal a great challenge, but press on! Figuring out how to fit in time in the Word will quench the thirst in your spirit like none other can, and with a little one and a busy schedule, you will surely need some refilling. Been there, survived it, praying for you! :)
Julie Sanders
Thank you for a great post (I feel like that’s how I start all my comments, but it’s the truth). This site have been a great encouragement to me, your posts are practical. I found it easier when my boys were infants to have a quiet time since I could count on a morning nap or at least when they woke up they couldn’t go very far until I got them. :) But now that they are active 4 and 6 yo, it’s harder. I do like how you have mentioned having mobile tools to spend time with Him. Wherever I go and whatever I am doing, so why not include Him! :)
Sorry that should, say He is there wherever I go and whatever I am doing….
Yes, Alexis, I remember what a salvation “morning nap” was. :) New challenges come with each season, but I’ll pray you can find a new “morning nap” space in your days. There’s a sweet quality to having our quiet times be mobile, so that our time with the Lord is applicable and pertinent in any and every place.
Julie Sanders