Do you ever have a deep, intense craving? I often find myself drooling over the cartons of Blue Bell Ice Cream at my local grocery store. (If you aren’t familiar with Blue Bell, it may be because this creamy, decadent indulgence is only available in 20 states. But it’s worth moving to Texas for!)
No other kind of frozen treat will do. No other brand of ice cream will suffice. It must be Blue Bell and it must be a lot of Blue Bell.
In Psalm 84, the psalmist expresses a yearning that can only be satisfied by the presence of God. Nothing and no one else will satiate the deep longing of his soul. He is so desperate to be with God, he would trade 1,000 days of being anywhere else for just one day of being with the LORD.
In his book “Reflections on the Psalms,” C.S. Lewis calls this an “appetite for God.” Do we have an appetite for God that can only be satisfied in His presence?
According to biblical scholars, this psalm may have been sung by pilgrims on their way to the temple. Any Jews that lived outside Jerusalem made pilgrimages to the temple three times a year – for Passover, Feast of Tabernacles, and Pentecost. The temple symbolized God’s presence. These pilgrimages into the presence of God were considered rare and special. During the journey they anticipated the blessing and joy of once again being close to Yahweh.
You and I don’t have to travel long distances or wait for months to enter His presence. As believers we can enjoy constant communion with our holy God. His presence is a place of safety and security. Like the sparrow who built a nest near the altar, the LORD Almighty welcomes and protects the lowly and weak.
As I studied this psalm, I was impacted by the transforming power of God’s presence. Just this one chapter alone shows us at least three ways His nearness satisfies our longings.
- When we are vulnerable, He makes us safe and secure.
- When we are weak, He fills us with His strength.
- When we have need, He provides in abundance.
I particularly love verse 7:
They go from strength to strength, till each appears before God in Zion.
Our lives are a pilgrimage to heaven where we will finally see our Savior face-to-face. Meanwhile, He brings us “from strength to strength,” giving us what we need to take that next step of obedience, whetting our appetites for the full and glorious revelation of His presence.
What does your soul yearn for? Have you tasted the sweet presence of God? Do you long for more?
Love this post. Your thoughts on how the nearness of God satisfies our longings is right on.
And as a Texas girl for 20+ years (now in Arizona) I can oh so relate to the creamy goodness that is Blue Bell Ice Cream. :)
Marita, can you get Blue Bell in Arizona?
Hi Kathy:
Actually Yes! I have been able to get Blue Bell here. Thankfully!
I love what you said, “You and I don’t have to travel long distances or wait for months to enter His presence. As believers we can enjoy constant communion with our holy God.” I love knowing that we don’t have to jump through a bunch of hoops to enter God’s presence. We are so blessed to have the very Spirit of God dwelll within us to help us, strengthen us, and empower us to walk in His ways. God is so faithful to refresh me when I enter His presence by worship, prayer, and being in His Word. Thanks for a great post!
Brooke, I am also so thankful that Christ’s sacrifice opened the way for us to go into the Most Holy Place!
I’m so thankful, too, that we can be in the Lord’s presence constantly. (Forgive me, Lord, for taking that for granted far too often!)
I’ve been convicted by Psalm 84 this week to be more thankful for the easy access we have with God 24/7 to talk with him and sing to him. Not only does our strength originate from him but it grows and grows because of him. We are blessed.
And I’m glad that ice cream doesn’t tempt me because that picture would do it. ha. (Now chocolate? That’s a different story!)
Lisa, what about chocolate ice cream?
Not even chocolate ice cream. :-) I know; it’s weird. My family doesn’t understand. But they get out of the way between me and a chocolate chip cookie.
This week has been one of my favorites of #Run2Him. Everything in these Psalms reminds me of all the reasons we have to proclaim His praise and the reasons to run to Him. I love in Psalm 71 where the psalmist says “you are a Rock of refuge to which I can continually come.” The promise in Psalm 91 that if we take refuge in Him “no evil shall be allowed to befall you,no plague come near your tent.” This week was a refreshing for me because I am thirsty for more of Him, to walk more like Him, to be more obedient in every facet of my life.
and the ice cream certainly didn’t help my diet plans ;-)
Julie, I also love the visual Scripture gives us of God as a Rock, a strong fortress. He is our place of safety, security, and stability!
I love this post! My word this year had been abide. I long to abide in His presence so much. I want to rush home from carpool & my workout to dive into my Run2Him verses. I have his word playing on the radio. I still find myself hungering for more of Him. This was a wonderful week for me to read this Psalm as the kids and hubby were home on Spring Break. I was out of routine, but able to be with them like my soul needs to be with God.
Sallie, sounds like you truly have developed a craving for God! Keep running to Him!