Praise the Lord!
There is no mistaking the main command in Psalm 148! We are to praise the Lord.
I looked at the Hebrew word for praise this week; it is halal. I love the insight looking at the original language gives:
…to shine…to make a show, to boast; and thus to be (clamorously) foolish; to rave…celebrate, commend…glory, give (light)…(sing, be worthy of) praise…renowned, shine. (Strong’s Concordance via eBible)
How to Praise the Lord
One fun Bible study tool is to insert these synonyms into the verses, to get a fuller meaning of the text. Let’s try it together!
Shine the Lord!
Make a show about the Lord!
Boast about the Lord!
Be clamorously foolish about the Lord!
Rave about the Lord!
Celebrate the Lord!
Commend the Lord!
Give glory to the Lord!
Doesn’t this give a better idea of what it means to praise the Lord?
Let them praise the name of the Lord!
What can you praise God for today? Share it in the comments below!
Oh sing to the Lord a new song;
sing to the Lord, all the earth!
Sing to the Lord, bless his name;
tell of his salvation from day to day.
Declare his glory among the nations,
his marvelous works among all the peoples!
For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised!
(Psalm 96:1-4 ESV)
(And by the way, the picture above is the perfect dimensions for a free Facebook cover. To download it for free, just right click the picture to download!)
Thank you so much for that Katie! I have really enjoyed the Psalm’s Run To Him Study!!!! It opened up a new way of studying the Word for me.
Today I am praising Him for the strength He’s provided me. I was diagnosed with a deadly disease almost 4 years ago and was told I probably wouldn’t be alive today. Praise God for His strength and will for my life!!!
I also did the Romans 8 Memorization with y’all. It was just precious! I will continue to follow up, I want to see what study you do next. :-)
~So glad I was brought to your website!
Wow, Liz! That is a powerful testimony. Awesome.
Good for you for memorizing Romans 8. I can’t believe I did that. :)
I’m also praising Him for his healing powers for my friend Andy who was diagnosed with a brain tumor last March.