“Consequence”, the result or effect of an action or condition, is a buzzword in my parenting circles. Typically, we have a negative association. If you don’t finish your chores, you won’t get dessert! If you push another child, you will be in time out! There will be consequences for your actions, young lady!
But of course, consequences can be good too. If you are nice to kids on the playground, you might make friends! If you make your bed every day this week, you will get a sticker for your chart.
In our verse this week, Moses sums up the condition and lays out the good consequences that will follow obedience. Bottom line, if you love the Lord your God, you will be blessed. It will be worth it!
If you studied the context of Deuteronomy 30 a few weeks ago, you may remember learning about the Mosaic and Palestinian covenants. One difference that really stood out to me is that the Mosaic covenant is conditional. The blessings promised are dependent on Israel’s obedience to the Law. But the Palestinian covenant is an extension of the original Abrahamic covenant, which unconditionally promises that possession of the land will come about because of the eternal faithfulness of God.
In other words, this is not about salvation through works.
That being said, obedience to God’s commands leads to some pretty amazing consequences: life, growth, honor – all the things that people really want when they look closely at their heart.
Moses may have summed up the choice between the good life and death into this compact little sentence, but I hope you will find the consequences of careful study to be a richer understanding of the abundance God has in store for you.
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