Sometimes I feel like I say the same things over and over. I guess it’s because I DO say things over and over, like use an inside voice or brush your teeth or take your finger out of your nose. I say that about 843 times each day.
I say these things again and again because my kids get distracted. They know what they are supposed to be doing but the Nerf gun on the floor grabs their attention or their Webkinz puppy calls from cyber-space. They get distracted.
But I get distracted.
Today, this day, I need to be reminded of true things because stuff will happen.
The daily lists and chores and errands and kids will happen. And they happen loud and quick. Disease and betrayal and death may knock, aiming to steal my footing. But regardless, I have choice with every single moment of today.
In this day, by His grace, I want to choose to believe what He says. Because His Word works.
Believing His love to be over me and surrounding me causes the fear to bow down. Casting all my cares upon Him brings peace that passes all earthly understanding. His Word is true. And when we choose to meditate upon it and reckon it so, blessing flows.
In the moments of this day, I’m telling myself the true things…again. Because, no doubt, stuff will happen.
What promise are you actively believing today?
Great words to read! I have been having trouble casting all of my cares right now, which is causing me more strife than anything. I find that it is hard to let go of control, even though I know it is what I should be doing :-) Just knowing that God loves me is what I am concentrating on, it helps when my 3 year old decides she doesn’t want to use the potty, or my 1 year old throws another pyrex dish across the room :-)
Oh yes, control. It’s so freeing when we can release the control and trust that ultimately He’s the One who is always in control. Mommyhood can be so trying. Praying you have some real refreshment today in the journey, sister-friend.
Lara. Thank you for these great words! To just let go, and let God have our cares.
Heather. I totally relate to you right now. I also struggle to let go of control, and know that this isn’t what God wants from my life. I don’t know why, but it is so hard for me to just let go. I know that God wants me to do things the easy way, but I can be so stubborn sometimes, and still, He loves me and meets me right where I am!
It is hard to let go. A few years back I was in a deep valley and finally realized, I’m not the one in control at all. He is. He’s so patient with us, isn’t He? Blessings to you today, Ashley.
Hmmm – which promise am I actively believing today? Well, I can’t remember exactly where it’s found, maybe Isaiah, but it says something like “the Word that is in you will also be in your children and their descendants” and also Phil. 1:6 to be confident that God who started a good work in my children and in my grandchildren will continue to complete it.
He is so faithful to complete what He begins. Believing that promise with you.