The older I get the more I learn nothing about my life has been a mistake. Growing up near our nation’s capital, friends’ lives revolved around congressional schedules and military assignments. My own family had been in Virginia over 300 years. God used the setting to show me how the history of who I am fits with who God wants me to become, knowing “where sin abounded, grace abounded much more,” Rom. 5:20. The stories of life reveal truth about God and about how people are searching for His peace. In a region of influence, I learned only Jesus provides lasting peace and real power, and those who know Him have potential to influence the world. My heart was shaped to touch others with His truth around the world. Teri Lynne’s vision for Scripture Dig sounded like an awesome way to do just that!
My husband and I have served in pastoral ministries focusing on discipleship, maturity, missions, and marriage. We were privileged to serve in cross cultural missions before the Lord brought us back to the US, where Jeff is now Pastor of Mobilization (Local/Global Missions), and I serve as Women’s Ministry Director. We love the reach this gives us to people here and around the world.
God has blessed us with two teenagers who keep us adventurous, thoughtful, and prayerful. They’ve been schooled in every manner; I now find myself homeschooling a middle schooler and volunteering as a PTA mom for a public high school student. I’ve loved every stage!
The teacher, mom, leader, traveler, and worshiper in me can’t help but use words to express how God’s truths are illustrated in everyday life to answer our questions. I try to resist the urge to rhyme and alliterate, but there’s admittedly a little Dr. Seuss in me from days teaching first grade & ESL. Much of my heart for women and marriages, in particular, is expressed at my blog and in articles I write. I’d love to write a book someday, but it might sound a lot like Green Eggs and Ham. Still, I know there’s a “rhyme” and a reason for that, too, as God’s plan unfolds in my life.
Scripture Dig is exciting territory, a great place to discover God’s story of His peace, His power, and our potential for influence as ambassadors for His kingdom.
I’m honored to be on the Scripture Dig team with you!
Really looking forward to serving together, Kathy.
Julie Sanders
Julie it is so nice to meet you. I can’t wait to dig into the Word with you.
So glad that you stopped in and we are so excited to have you dig with us!
Julie Sanders
Glad we’re teaming up!
Me, too, Stephanie, and I’m praying for your family today. Much peace to you ~
Julie Sanders
Look forward to reading what God lays on your heart to share with us.
Joy, we’re so glad to have you digging with us!
Julie Sanders
So thankful to be working with you on this!! :)
I am so excited to start this! Can’t wait till Monday! (ummmm I don’t say that often!!!) ;-)
Wow … “I can’t wait for Monday” is even more than we hoped for! ;)
Julie Sanders
Really looking forward to Digging in the Scriptures with all of you. This is exciting and very much needed. Thanks for following through on your dream.
We know that we all need the encouragement and accountability, too, and we’re just really excited to have other women join us as we learn and grow. Blessings to you as you dig with us!
Julie Sanders
Julie – THANK YOU!! For being such an incredible example of grace and wisdom … for joining me in this endeavor … for investing in Kristi – because she is amazing! … for living out a glowing love for the Lord. I’m so glad you are on the Dig team.
Oh, Teri Lynne, I just feel privileged and excited to be invited! And I think “the Dig Team” would make a great t-shirt ….. ;) Just sayin’ ….
Julie Sanders
What a great idea!! I need to work on that … :)
Julie, you will be a blessing to this new ministry.
An idea just struck me. You should be a children’s author! The Christian Dr. Suess!
Looking forward to reading what you have to share here.
I’m not sure what this says about me, but that sounds like great fun! :)
Julie Sanders