This post is the Devotional version of the study intro. You can also access the Quick Study(2 page version) of today’s lesson in a PDF. If you want to do the Full Study you can purchase the book on Amazon or CBD.
Many of us have had experience with “strong-willed” children. Doesn’t it seem ridiculous that a small child will stand up to an adult and stubbornly insist on their own way? They really think they know better than their wiser, more-experienced parents!
Yet, I sometimes do the same thing with God. In fact, each of us has been that strong-willed child who refuses to submit to the Father’s authority. Sometimes we act out of rebellion. Sometimes, we simply think we know best.
Unshakeable Faith Trait Three:
Submitted to the One Who Knows the Future and Has a Plan
Peter had a strong will. But even this hard-headed Apostle eventually learned that God deserved his yielded obedience.
Read Matthew 16:21-23. How did Peter react when he heard Jesus detail God’s plan?
Although Peter calls Jesus “Lord” in verse 22, the nature of his correction shows Peter was not really yielding to His lordship in that moment. In Matthew 16:23, Jesus identifies the core issue of Peter’s misguided intentions. “You do not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men.”
Many of us also tend to see things with our limited, selfish, human perspective instead of God’s eternal, all-knowing perspective. Intellectually, I accept that God knows best. However, I still want to do things my way, even while knowing from experience that I usually get it wrong.
We know from Scripture that Peter matured. He learned to focus more and more on the “things of God” and less and less on the “things of men.”
Read 1 Peter 4:1-2. Peter taught that one of two things will determine the direction of our life. What are those two choices?
If I am not living for the will of God, by default I am living for my sinful, fleshly desires. Either God’s will or mine. Not only is God worthy of our obedience, He also knows what is absolutely best for us.
What areas of your life do you have the most trouble submitting to God’s control?
I am working with eating for the glory of God and this is so timely today. thanks so very much.
Barbara, so many of us women struggle to give that area of lives over to God’s control. May God help you release it all to Him!
When I read something like this week`s study I a) admire Peter for figuring it out and letting Jesus be in charge and b) realize how I let Him be in charge once in a while, but not all the time….The words control freak, independent and trust issues come to mind.
Yes I know He`s Lord of Lords but to actually be MY Lord, daily…hmmmmmm…that`s scary….
Carol, it can be a bit scary. I find in my own life that I give things over to God only to take back control. Submission has to be a one-time and daily thing!