By Brooke Espinoza
I would rather lay my soul asoak in half a dozen verses all day than rinse my hand in several chapters. -Charles Spurgeon
Though even a quick rinse in God’s Word will not return void, God gives us several motivating reasons to abide in His Word.
God’s Word is powerful!
I am just in awe of how great our God is that He literally spoke the entire universe into existence! The psalmist proclaimed in Psalm 33:6, “By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth.”
Likewise, when a Roman centurion came to Jesus and asked Him to heal his dying servant, Jesus was happy to go with him to his home, but the centurion answered, “Lord, I am not worthy that You should come under my roof. But only speak a word, and my servant will be healed.” (Matthew 8:8) This man knew the incredible power of God’s Word! As a result of his great faith in God’s Word, the Roman centurion’s beloved servant was healed that very hour.
God’s Word is life-changing!
Psalm 1 shows the incredible transformation that is promised to anyone whose love for God’s Word drives them to abide in His Word day and night.
“He shall be like a tree
Planted by the rivers of water,
That brings forth its fruit in its season,
Whose leaf also shall not wither;
And whatever he does shall prosper.” Psalm 1:3
Just from this one verse we see the life changing power of God’s Word. This person is characterized:
- Like a tree—a symbol of strength and uprightness
- Planted by the rivers of water—fixed and abiding in the refreshing rivers of water
- That brings forth its fruit in its season—a fruitful life
- Whose leaf also shall not wither—with roots so deep into the Living Water, even the heat of trials shall not cause this tree’s leaves to wither
- And whatever he does shall prosper—a prosperous life
God’s Word is mighty!
Just looking solely at Psalm 119, look at what it proclaims are just some of the awesome ways God uses His Word in our life when we take the time to be in it.
- To bless us (v2)
- To cleanse us (v9)
- To give us counsel (v24)
- To revive us (v25)
- To strengthen us (v28)
- To give us a ready answer (v42)
- To give us hope (v49)
- To comfort us in our afflictions (v50)
- To give us life (v93)
- To make us wiser than our enemies (v98)
- To give us more understanding than all our teachers (v99)
- To give us a lamp for our feet and a light to our path (v105)
- To give us great peace (165)
- To keep us from stumbling (v165)
- To deliver us (v170)
Knowing the amazing life-changing power of God’s Word, I know what is at stake if I feel pressure from the day’s schedule to rush through my devotions or skip them all together. So on the days that I’m pressed for time, but still want to spend quality time in God’s Word, I will listen to my favorite audio Bible, The Word of Promise (NKJV) and take my memory verse for the day with me on a 3 x 5 card and meditate on it throughout my day when “my hands are busy, but my mind is free” as Janet Pope says in her book, His Word in My Heart.
Whether we spend time in God’s Word by reading it, studying it, listening to it, mediating on it, or memorizing it, what’s important is that we spent time in it. And when we do, oh will we be blessed!
What Bible verses have had the greatest impact on your life? Let us know in the comments
Brooke blogs at Rivers of Water, a site dedicated to encourage and equip Christian women to fully trust in God and His Word so when their faith is tested, through trials, they will not be shaken. She has a Bachelors degree in Biblical Studies from Calvary Chapel Bible College, and is passionate about studying and memorizing Scripture.
Dear Brooke~I also am Blessed to hide God’s Word in my heart. Thank you for sharing all of the “Beautiful Blessings” we are privelaged to partake in as children of Almighty God in Psalm 119! I will be looking forward to reading Janet Pope’s book: His Word In My Heart. Brooke your guest post blessed my study method. In Christ, Roslyn Greene-Valadez
Roslyn, I love those Psalm 119 blessings too, and to think that those are just the blessings found just in that one Psalm. How much many more blessings are there found throughout the whole Bible! You’re going to love Janet Pope’s book! It is the book that gave me the confidence to begin memorizing chapters of Scripture. God bless you lots as you seek to hide His Word in your heart!
Oh the power of His Word! Yes, it has truly changed my life. I did not grow up reading the bible, although I was raised in a Christian home. Reading, studying, memorizing then striving to live the Word transformed me from a sad young woman to a rejoicing and hope-filled daughter of the King. Among the countless scriptures that have transformed my thinking are Romans 8:28, 1 Thess 5:16-18, Ephesians 5:22. Thanks for your Word-affirming post!
Patti, I love your testimony to the life-transforming power of God’s Word! I did not grow up reading the Bible either, but oh I wish I had! Like you, at least now that I am in His Word I can see a stark contrast to my life before the Word and my transformed life now as a result of it. Those are all such powerful Scriptures you mentioned. Thanks for sharing!
Great post! I would like to have the faith of the Roman Centurion and bear much fruit as I not only read the word but have it transform my life. Love how you write out a verse to meditate on each day, would love to incorporate this. The verse God has been working on in my heart this past few months “We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.” 2 Cor. 10:5 If I can just catch those thoughts early on and replace them with a verse, or a song unto the Lord….my life is every changing, and my family is blessed with my attitude. Blessings! Sheila
Sheila, 2 Corinthians 10:5 is such a great reminder to daily take every thought captive. I love how when you take those thoughts captive you replace them with a verse or a Biblical truth from a worship song. That’s just like Jesus when Satan was tempting Him in the wilderness. (Matthew 4) In each temptation of Satan, Jesus replied “It is written…” overcoming each temptation with a Scripture. That’s such a great spiritual discipline you are doing. As you continue to take every thought captive and overcome each captive thought with Scripture, it’s no wonder your life is ever changing and your attitude is a blessing to your family. Keep up the great work!
I love the bold, trusting example of faith the centurion showed. And what an awesome list in Psalm 119 highlighting the power of God’s Word. Truly amazing!
A few of the (many, many, many) verses that impact my heart: John 16:33, 1 John 4:19, Romans 12:1-2, Hebrews 4:15.
Thanks, Brooke!
Caroline, I love the bold faith of the Roman Centurion too! He’s one of my favorite heroes of faith in the Bible. Those are some great verses that you mentioned! I just love how God ministers to us so mightily through His Word. God bless!
Brooke! I am always blessed & amazed at your writing! What a gift you have! The older I get, the more of a passion I notice for God’s Word! You are such a blessing to the body of Christ! I am just beginning in blogging. But I notice one thing, that in my direction of where I am going, I would love to be able to write with the depth of knowig God’s Word, as you do! I am doing the preparation! Thankyou for being such a Godly example! For the Word of God is what everyone really needs!