We aren’t light because we’re so brilliant. It’s because of Jesus inside of us. He is the light shining through. Memorize Matthew 5:14 with us this week.
Memorize This Week
You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.
Matthew 5:14 (ESV)
Dark or Light?
School shootings. Volcanos. Turbulent politics.
Does the world feel dark at times? Yes.
We all have those days when we feel dark, too. We don’t want to be seen. We want to hide in a corner and let life move on without us. We don’t feel strong enough or good enough to make a difference. So why try?
Because we are light.
- Even when we don’t feel like it.
- Even when we feel invisible.
- Even when we aren’t capable.
The reason we are light isn’t because of our own innate character. We are light because of who lives inside us.
Jesus didn’t say: You can become the light of the world if you know enough or are kind enough or are proactive enough.
Jesus did say, “You are the light of the world.”
Our light comes from Jesus. Jesus is THE light. The source. The brightest of the bright.
When we are aware of the light burning inside us—i.e., Jesus’ light—not only can we see clearer, but others can see more clearly, too.
Let’s wake up to our light. Let’s show up in the world. The light will shine when we do.
Please share your thoughts here.
Such an important point, but so easy to overlook: we’re not the light of the world if… or when…. We’re the light of the world because we have Him.
Yes, it goes against my “works” nature, but it is grace indeed.