Would you pray for the Scripture Dig team as we prepare to minister as a team at a retreat in Pigeon Forge, TN on April 8&9? We will teach about what it means to be “in the Family” of God and what difference it makes in our lives. Click HERE to find information or to register to join us. Registration closes March 6.
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My heart was heavy as I wrote in my journal. Our youngest battled fear as I sat in his dark room and encouraged him about heavenly hosts around us. We didn’t anticipate his confident joy in the morning, when he recalled in vivid detail the man who lay at his bed all night long. Later that day I wrote, “Perhaps this really was his angel.”
In our culture we like to believe in what we can see, count, and explain. Supernatural things fall outside these categories, so we use them in children’s books, Jimmy Stewart movies, and stories from other countries. But God wants us to be mindful of the unseen. Have you ever wondered if your life was truly touched by the divine?
God’s Word says angelic intervention isn’t only possible, it’s certain.
Angels are beings created by God (Neh. 9:6), spirits without physical bodies (Heb. 1:14). Sometimes God allows people to see angels or allows them to take bodily form, like at the tomb of Jesus. God has sent them for divine appointments ranging from message delivery to commanding lions to freeing prisoners. As part of God’s creation, they were considered “good” and are described as “mighty ones who do his bidding, who obey his word” (Psalm 103:20). Angels have the ability to make decisions (2 Peter 2:4), which led to a number of them being cast out of heaven with their leader, Lucifer. Unlike mankind, God did not provide redemption to restore angels to Himself; they are not made in His image.
Angels are present and active around us, so we’re encouraged to “show hospitality to strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unaware” (Heb. 13:2). As the leader of evil angels, demons, Satan lives to hinder those seeking to follow God (2 Cor. 4:4). Satan and his legions aren’t all powerful; they are able to be resisted through the power of Jesus Christ (James 4:7). Satan ultimately battles for victory, but Jesus conquered death and lives to reign eternally. This makes Jesus worthy of our worship.
Angels are not meant to be objects of our praise (Isaiah 6:2-3), but they set an example of worship for us (Revelation 5:11,12). Hosts of angels declared the coming of Jesus to earth, hosts praise Him now, they’ll accompany Him at His return, they’ll separate the wicked and righteous, and they’ll surround the Lamb’s throne uncontainable worship. Until then, we’re promised that angels guard us, lifting us with their hands, “lest you dash your foot against a stone” (Psalm 91:11-12). Angels are another evidence of God’s care for us and His sovereign involvement in our lives.
Angels are present as our witnesses and intercessors, servants of the Most High. They, too, long to know the secrets of God’s plan (1 Pt. 1:12).
Jeff and I have a story we love to tell our kids about a provision in our lives we can only explain as an angelic intervention, but I wonder how many more moments of our lives have been changed by God’s unseen divine servants, as He sent them to watch over us. One day we’ll know, and we’ll bow down beside them in grateful worship of our Father who sent His legions to guard us.
How does knowing God’s servant army of angels is present and active around you make you feel?
Julie, thank you for your clear and very informative post today! Yes, I know that angels have intervened on my behalf more than once!
I have to think that the times I’m aware of might be glimpses God has given to help me realize how active He is in my life always!
Julie Sanders http://www.comehaveapeace.blogspot.com
LOVE that thought! :)
Love that you make the point we will bow down *beside* them. Angels and their activities always point us to worship God. Thank you for such an extensive post on angels throughout Scripture.
It’s so human of us to worship what God extends to us, but you’re so right that they should always point us to worship the Lord Himself!
Julie Sanders http://www.comehaveapeace.blogspot.com
Julie ~ This post brought tears to my eyes as I was reminded of how much our Heavenly Father loves us. Not only did He send His Son to die for us, but He also sends His angels to guard the steps we take in this journey called life. I love how He loves us!
That’s what I thought as I studied … another divine evidence of God’s great love!
Julie Sanders http://www.comehaveapeace.blogspot.com
Thank you, Julie, for covering this topic in such an understandable way and for showing us throughout Scripture what angels are and what their roles and position are.
I agree; this post thoroughly details the characteristics of angels. I was struck by this thought, too: “Angels are not meant to be objects of our praise (Isaiah 6:2-3), but they set an example of worship for us.” They really do consistently exemplify awe-struck praise throughout the Bible.
And they are inspired completely by who God is and the “behind the scenes” view, without the experience of salvation. They set quite an example for those of us who know what it is to be redeemed. Some day when we “see face to face,” we’ll have even more to motivate our worship!
Julie Sanders http://www.comehaveapeace.blogspot.com