From where I was standing in the packed crowd, I saw hands holding the spike over her feet just before a man did what I never believed people still do … he nailed that spike into the feet of a woman, crucifying her before the electric crowd. For seven years she repeated the ritual, attempting to pay for her own sins and those of her family; she pledged to continue her vow for seven more years in a determined plan to save herself and loved ones.
If she’s willing to do so much to save herself, shouldn’t it work? Is there really only ONE WAY to bridge the gulf of our sin? That seems kind of intolerant, doesn’t it?
It’s not easy for our world today to swallow the idea there’s only one way to knowing the true God. We live in a “post modern” world, which means “there is no such thing as absolute, objective, or universal truth,” according to John MacArthur in his book Why One Way. Instead of recognizing one reference point for truth and an Ultimate Authority, our world is more comfortable, even passionate, about the freedom to decide your own truth based on experience.
No wonder eyes roll when people hear Jesus’ claim in John 14:6, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” Instead, our world is intoxicated by the chance to have a god of their choosing.
It sounds so “B.C.” to talk about idols and offerings, but it’s really so “modern.” Around the world people still bow to golden images, offer hair as a sacrifice, give themselves in crucifixion, whip themselves publicly, and give gifts to silent objects made by men. Sometimes old idols take new forms, as people try to find another way to know God, another way to fill their emptiness, and another way to pay for their sin. The confusing invitations to take easier, more visible routes/detours is nothing new … Paul encouraged his young mentee Timothy about expecting many lies to be told by teachers who would try to entice seeking souls to embrace myths instead of truth. But Jesus is the Truth.
Since God is holy, He has to have our sin problem dealt with to draw us near. And since He is merciful, He offered His Son as our atoning sacrifice. 1 John 2:1-3 declares that Jesus is THE atonement for our sin, for the whole world’s sin. He is the ONE WAY for the whole world, regardless of race or color or geography.
“If you confess with you mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be a saved” Rom. 10:9.
Narrow? Yes. Jesus even said in Matthew 7 that the way to God is a narrow way. We have to get down off of our crosses, turn away from our idols, and look to Him alone for rescue.
After the woman was crucified in her hands and feet, the crowd shouted triumphantly. A team of men lowered the cross and released her, sending her away to have her wounds cared for. They prepared the cross for the next person … to try in vain to do what only Jesus can do through giving His sinless life in perfect love.
The Dig Team prays that those who read have chosen the narrow way that leads to abundant and eternal life in Jesus Christ alone. Do you know that Jesus is your One Way?
Thank you for this wonderful reminder and truth. Jesus did ot all! What a blessed Savior we serve!
“All” is such a beautiful word … just sitting and thinking about what that means makes my heart feel overwhelmed, full, and relieved! Yes, He is wonderful.
Julie Sanders
Thanks Julie! Why do we humans keep trying to make up our own rules when God is the only one with the power, right, and authority to do so?
Maybe it’s just so hard for us to imagine how complete He is and that He would want us. It’s total grace, isn’t it? But we keep “trying to try” … no wonder we often feel exhausted!
Julie Sanders
Oh Julie, you challenge me and encourage me … what a powerful truth – HE DID IT ALL!! As this week launches into the regular madness of life in this season, I pray that I keep that sweet truth foremost in my mind … it’s Him, all Him, always. Sweet, sweet truth.
It’s so easy for me to fall into the trap of trying to find “my own way” to peace and salvation. Was just reading this morning in Philippians … how Paul reminded the believers to watch out for people who would come and try to make us think we had to work for our salvation. God wants us to know and worship Him “by the Spirit and glory in Christ Jesus,” putting no confidence in our flesh. I need this reminder daily.
Julie Sanders
I don’t think I realized that people crucify themselves. How sad that they don’t believe that Jesus’ sacrifice paid the FULL price of their sins.
It IS sad to realize what lengths people go to in an attempt to cover their own sins, when Heb 10:10 tells us “we have been made holy through the sacrifice of the body of Jesus Christ once for all.” I love that “once for all” part!
Julie Sanders
Julie ~ I love the way you wrote this post! In a world where everyone seems to be trying to do things ‘their way’ – including save them selves, Jesus willing offered Himself to give us The WAY!
You are so right…”We have to get down off of our crosses, turn away from our idols, and look to Him alone for rescue.”
Praying for those who haven’t yet!
Yes, and mankind has always done it … Cain, the Tower of Babel, the Pharisees, … it’s so “human” to look at what God offers and try to come up with something that works for us, though He gives us “The Way.”
Julie Sanders