In case you haven’t figured it out yet, I tend toward the uber-organized side of life. I prefer structure, routine, and schedules. And so, when it comes to my prayer life, likely no one who knows me is shocked to find I have a method of structuring my time there as well.
A few years ago my dad mentioned in passing that he uses a prayer calendar to organize his prayer life. Immediately, I was hooked! After asking him a few questions, I began to develop my own prayer calendar.
In simplest terms, a prayer calendar is a tool for organizing the major areas of prayer in your life. I use both weekly and monthly prayer calendars to insure that I spend time focused in prayer for specific people and issues. What is included on my prayer calendar has changed over the years as our life situation has changed. For example, in June 2009 I shared what my prayer calendar looked like on my personal blog … at that time it involved praying through “The Power of …” books for my husband, my daughter, and myself twice a year. While I still devote plenty of time to praying for each member of our family, I have added some other areas of prayer into the calendar.
As I mentioned before, I pray every day for my husband, my daughter, and myself and I use my daytimer to review the schedule for the day and specific prayer needs in my extended family, my church and my community. Below are the weekly and monthly prayer calendars I use as I pray in my quiet time.
- Sunday ~ Churches. I pray for mine as well as the ones pastored by my daddy and my brother and many of our friends. In addition, I pray for those churches who are seeking pastors and are facing difficulties. For my own church, I pray through the schedule, lifting up Sunday School teachers and nursery workers, the technical components of the services, the sermon and the music, those who are deciding if they will even attend services today, and those who need a touch from the Lord.
- Monday ~ Church Staff and their Families. Mondays are typically the staff meeting day at our church. I pray for all five of our pastors and their family members by name. If I am aware of a specific request or need, I lift that up at this time. In addition, I try to take time to send a note of encouragement (even just an email) to one of our pastors or their wives. I also pray for Scott’s relationships with the other pastors of our church. I ask for wisdom and humility for each of these men.
- Tuesday ~ Specific Church Ministries. I pray for the specific ministries of our church and their leadership. From children’s ministry to senior adults, ministries to men and to women, student ministry and family ministry – I pray for each of these as well as the other ways our church seeks to reach out to others.
- Wednesday ~ My Family. I pray for my family members by name on Wednesdays. I am blessed with a large family and take time on Wednesdays to pray for grandparents and cousins, my brothers and their families and many aunts and uncles.
- Thursday ~ Community Ministries. Thursday mornings I spend at Care Net. I pray on Thursdays for the many ministries in our community seeking to spread the Gospel while meeting the practical needs around them. I also pray for the leadership of ministries such as the BCM on our local college campus, the Baptist Ministry Center, and the Manna House.
- Friday ~ Scott’s Family. I devote Friday to praying for Scott’s family members. We are blessed with very close relationships with his family and it is a joy to lift them up to the Lord in prayer.
- Saturday ~ The Lost. I keep a list in my Bible of people who are unsaved that I am praying for. On Saturdays I pray for each of them by name.
Monthly Prayer Calendar:
- January ~ Focus and direction. In January, I pray through each activity I am involved with – from ministries in the church to websites I write for … and I lay each one down and ask the Lord if I should pick it up again.
- February ~ My daughter‘s birthday month! I pray for her using “The Power of a Praying Parent.”
- March ~ Government. I pray throughout this month for local, state, and national government leaders.
- April ~ North American mission field. I devote April to praying for God’s direction for those who are missionaries here in North America. I also pray for those who are planting churches in the United States.
- May ~ Summer. I pray for the summer months – how we should use them as a family. What we should include and what we need to say “no” to. I always want to be certain we are allowing time for rest and also for ministry.
- June ~ My husband’s birthday month and our anniversary month. I pray for him using “The Power of a Praying Wife.”
- July ~ Adopting families. It seems like I know so many families who are adopting. In July I spend extra time praying specifically for their needs and desires … and for those sweet children who have not yet arrived home.
- August ~ Back to School!! I devote August to praying for teachers and school leaders. And for sweet families who are beginning their homeschooling year. I especially pray for those teachers in public schools who will daily have the opportunity to shine light into darkness!
- September ~ Friends. Just taking time to pray for those women who have influenced my life – and though our friendship may have only lasted a season, I lift them up to the Lord and pray for them throughout September.
- October ~ My birthday month! I pray for myself using “The Power of a Praying Woman.”
- November ~ Month of gratitude! I want to be intentionally cultivating a thankful heart. One way I do this is by listing the things I am thankful for according to the date. For example, on November 11, I list 11 things I am thankful for.
- December ~ Our denominational missions focus is on international missions throughout this month. I pray for those missionaries in other nations and for the unreached people groups.
So, there you have it! A long post (sorry!) but hopefully one that will be helpful to some!
How do you organize your prayer life?
Books I have found useful:
The Power of a Praying … books by Stormie Omartian
Becoming a Woman of Prayer by Cynthia Heald
The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence
pffff I’m not the only one ;-)
Nope, you’re not alone. :)
Teri Lynne, thanks for a practical and very helpful post!
LOVE your prayer calendar. And LOVE that I’m not the only girl on planet earth that uses the word “uber.” :-)
I like how you specify specific prayer targets for each month. I do the weekly thing, but not the monthly thing. Love it when I see what others do and it sparks a new idea to implement in my own life.
I know for me, the more organized I am, the more intentionally I live and it helps me accomplish more in the process.
Thanks for a great post with practical insights!
I knew we were connected on multiple levels, Stephanie!! uber-connected!! :)
Thanks for sharing this! I’ve started to try to structure my prayer time each morning, and this method of a daily/monthly prayer calendar will fit in perfectly with my current routine and lifestyle. I look forward to “tweaking” your model for my life.
Can’t wait to hear how you tweak it!! :)
In addition to quiet time, I am contemplating (praying) about starting to pray the ‘Divine Hours’ – just as the apostles did at 9 am, noon and 3 pm – with room for flexibility of course! I like the idea of the discipline of setting these three times aside for God. During that time, you pray scripture (ie 9 am – The Lord’s Prayer, noon – Psalm 23 and at 3 pm Psalm 117).
Anyone have any guidance or thoughts on this?
Robin, I wrote a post on Praying the Hours on my personal blog a few months ago. Here’s the link to that:
You are very welcome!! :)
This is such a helpful tool! Thank you so much for posting this…it is definitely an encouragement!
I do hope this helps you, Amanda! It has certainly been useful in my life.
Oh, Teri Lynne – this makes me smile and I love it!! ;) You always inspire me with your organization skills. My prayer life has definitely needed more structure and I love what you shared! :)
So glad, Kristi. :)
Thank you sharing with another Type A mom. Thanks to Michelle’s “Maximizing Your Mornings” over at “So, I Married A Mennonite..”, I am trying to get into a more “schedules” quiet time. I have read “The Power of a Praying Wife” and will have to check out the others. Making a calendar will definitely help me. Thank you!
Oh Michelle! That makes me so happy! I love hearing how people are growing in disciplines!
Today, I have started using a prayer calendar for my husband and children (using the calendar Kat provides at Inspired to Action) along with the Power of a Praying Wife and Watchmen on the Walls (now called While They Were Sleeping – Arkins and Harrell) for my children. Along with that I will be using a book, Blessing Your Spirit (Gunter and Burk) for all of us. I’m going to use some prayer “helps” to get me focused in my prayer life. I am looking for ward to it!
Thanks for great posts on prayer!!!
Oh my goodness, Teri Lynne! I spent some time away from home (alone) on Saturday morning making up a prayer calendar! I am hoping it will help me stay focused during my times of prayer, but I’m also praying my prayers will be Spirit-led!
Thanks for sharing this! You have given me more ideas on how to develop this more in my life!
Nikki, isn’t God amazing? I’d love to see what your prayer calendar looks like! If you do a blog post, please let me know!!
Hi Ladies!
This is why I LOVE this Blog. You are always giving practical applications. This is awesome. I too, have need of structure and schedules. They give me a sense of calm and give me the ability slow down and focus on who I’m praying to and what I’m praying for. Thanks for another cool idea. :)
Your comment made my day!! Thank you … my heart for this site is that it be a place where women come to be encouraged and equipped in their spiritual growth!
Dear Type A friend ;) I love reading your prayer calendars. THANK YOU for the glimpse into your head and heart; they compliment each other so well. And I really like praying for staff of the church on Mondays. That’s our core staff meeting day, too, and it would be a great addition to my focus. Obvious again that meaningful prayer takes time. And “uber” is a word often used to describe my hubby … in fact I used it this morning. :)
Why thank you!! You are such a blessing to me.
Wow. This is just what I was looking for. I’ve wanted to do something like this for a long time but I’m definitely not one of those “uber” organized people. I have to rely on wonderful folks like you to help me out. :)
So glad you found this useful!! :)
Teri Lynne, I really needed this post. I really struggle with prayer. I am going to try to get a little more organized and intentional about prayer so that hopefully it will become a natural part of my everyday.
Amy, I struggle with prayer too … I’m much more comfortable with my Bible and a highlighter. Somehow having guides gives me more confidence and purpose in my prayer life. We can learn from each other, my friend!
I am so excited- I saw Thue posted on this and linked back. I did too today. I can’t wait – I even made a schedule for my son because he always complains, “I don’t know who to pray for – no one is sick”. I let him lead me and fill in the days!
Yay Stef! I cannot wait to see what you – and the boy – came up with!!! :)
Love these ideas Teri Lynne! Thanks for raising the bar and challenging us to pray up!
I am hyper-organized too but never for this type of praying. Thanks for sharing and giving me a much needed push. love the idea. I plan to post about this and refer to your post on Sept. 2. Thanks again for sharing. I will give you credit in my post.
Thank you, Jean! If you’ll send us the link to your post we’d be thrilled to read it and share the link with our Facebook friends as well!
Teri my post about your great idea is up
Thanks again for the wonderful idea. While traveling in the car this week I created my weekly and monthly calendar so have already adopted your idea. Thanks