All things work together for good. Who wouldn’t want that promise? It’s reassuring when life is hard or times look confusing.
Paul put two qualifiers on who that promise is for:
- those who love God
- those called according to his purpose
So if you’re a believer, know this promise is for you!
Trust that good will happen because God is for you to conform you to the image of His Son (Romans 8:29, 31).
We invite you this week to memorize with us and use this verse to discover more reasons to praise God through your circumstances.
How have you experienced the truth of Romans 8:28?
What circumstance do you need to apply this to now?
Please leave a comment below and join the conversation on our memory group Facebook page.
Romans 8:28
28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.
How have you experienced the truth of Romans 8:28?
What circumstance do you need to apply this to now?
Yes! I’ve experienced the truth of Romans 8:28 many times in my walk here on earth. I’m so thankful for all that he has done & all that is to come.
Thank you Heavenly Father for touching Lisa with the gifts you have given her. I ask that you bless her abundantly for her diligently using her talents for your kingdom & your Glory this I ask in Jesus name.
I love waking to DoNotDepart each Monday
I’ve seen Him work this out through this very group of believers memorizing these classics this summer! My faith has been so encouraged by hearing how God continues to work through His words in very specific ways in the lives of different individuals. He knows what each of us needs and when, and He is faithful to provide that.
I look forward to your thoughts each week, Novella. And I appreciate your sweet encouragement to me personally. May God bless you for it as you have blessed me.
A dear sister in our church had insomnia this week and followed the Lord’s prompting during it to look up scriptures on the word “over.” She later emailed them to our pastor, who in turn felt led to have her share them with all of us Sunday morning–right after the choir had just finished singing, “It’s Not Over”. Perfect timing by the Lord, and not a coincidence!
Her words of encouragement were so powerful and helped me personally in a couple of situations I’m dealing with, and I’m sure they ministered to others there equally in just the right way. “When God is in it, there is no limit; it’s not over.”
God can use even insomnia for His and our good!
I love seeing His promise of Romans 8:28 come true over and over. And even when I can’t see it (and often I can’t), I can trust that He’s still working on things behind the scenes.
Lisa, this you have written a powerful witness to what God preformed this past Sunday in our presence…a call has gone out …to trust and obey!! Which we must do to move forward in the battle for the salvation of the world. Amen!!
I’m glad we were able to experience it together, Deborah. Wasn’t it also a powerful testimony about staying connected to a community of believers? So thankful I was there.