{I adore Sandra! She is one of my very best friends and I’ve been fortunate to spend time in her home and get to know her family. This post is one of her more recent ones but it captures her heart and her desire to live in and give out grace. Written about the pending “end of the world” on May 21st, Sandra points us all back to the truth of grace. Thank you, Sandra, for your friendship and your faithfulness to know God more. Your life is an encouragement and inspiration to me! ~ Teri Lynne}
Today is (probably) not the day Christ will return. But it is a day of grace. For that, we should be thankful, and convicted.
They are laughing at us. On Twitter and in interviews. At family functions and friendly get-togethers. What a joke to think the world would end today! Those Christians are so crazy.
Most don’t know the difference in what Harold Camping believes and what John Piper believes (or Francis Chan or Beth Moore). Just like they don’t know the difference in Westboro Baptist Church and Stewartstown Baptist Church (my church). Christian is Christian is Christian when you aren’t one.
Why should today be any different for those of us who don’t believe Christ is returning at 6:00pm? There are lawns to mow, basketball games to watch, dirty diapers to change. Evangelism isn’t always on our to-do lists.
But this day reminds us that there is a lost and dying world in need of grace and the Grace Giver. We should be thankful we have another day to tell our friends and family members about the grace we ourselves have been freely given.
Be an evangelist today. And tomorrow too.
Side note: We should also be giving grace to Harold Camping and his followers. Have you read his interviews? He says he has no idea if he will go to heaven. He doesn’t know if he’s saved. Imagine waking up, believing with all your heart, soul, and bank account that this is the end for the entire world, and not knowing your eternal destiny. Pray for him and those who bought into the lies spoken through him. Remember our battle is not against flesh and blood….
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