Welcome to Do Not Depart! Be sure to subscribe to the Do Not Depart RSS feed or email updates to receive regular encouragement and tools to abide in God's Word.
Coming Soon … a place for you to be equipped, encouraged, and empowered to dig into the depths of God’s Word! The week of May 31st each of our writers will be sharing her heart and why she wants to be a part of helping other women grow in Biblical literacy and mature in the Word.
On June 7th, we’ll kick off our first theme … “Bible Basics.” Answering questions like, “What is the Bible?” “How did we get the 66 books?” and “When did all of this happen?”, we hope to help you gain a solid understanding of the Bible – how we got it and why we can trust it.
We have already begun working on themes such as “Reading God’s Word” and “Prayer.”
The best part … because our goal is help you and give you tools you can use, we’ll have many opportunities for you to share how you are putting into practice what you are learning. At least once a week we’ll have “Your Turn” … a post dedicated to giving you an opportunity to DO IT!
Our goal and desire is simple … To equip, encourage, and empower you to dig into Scripture!
So, wanna dig?
I’m ready!!! :)
Looking forward to this!
I’m in! Yay! Can’t wait…will be linking to you from Strawberry Roan.
I am so ready for this. I have recently come across OnTopic Bible Study on Facebook by Stef Layton and it is awesome. Looking forward to adding to that study with Scripture Dig!! I feel like the Lord is speaking to my heart you all just keep helping me add to my studies!! Thank you! I know the Lord has big plans for me! :)
This is great!!! A tool that will help to dig deep. I yearn for such a deeper connection and revelation of God’s Word.
I’m glad to be here for the start up. I’ll be praying for each person that God leads here and every Author of this site!!
Be abundantly blessed!!! :)
This is great!!! A tool that will help to dig deep. I yearn for such a deeper connection and revelation of God’s Word.
I’m glad to be here for the start up. I’ll be praying for each person that God leads here and every Author of this site!!
Be abundantly blessed!!! :)
I am open to learn
I am so EXCITED about this!!!
Makes me wish I still my blog so I could promote this!
Congrats on launching this new blog! Great idea! Blessings to you and all those who join in on “Scripture Dig” –
i am excited to join in and follow along
How exciting! I’m ready for this too! :D
This sounds great!
I am so glad you are going to be a part of this, Judy!! Thrills me to have my family’s support. I love you!
This sounds like something I’d really enjoy doing. Looking forward to the start up!
Join us Monday! When the dig into “Bible Basics” begins!!
Teri Lynne
Pleasing to You
I just stumbled upon Scripture Dig. I’m a new blogger, but an old lover of Scripture, studying, and sharing it with others. I look forward to following Scripture Dig!
We are so glad you stumbled upon us!! And are looking forward to getting to know you as we dig!
Teri Lynne
Pleasing to You
Psalm 19:14
Hi Teri Lynne,
I’ve been through all of the content I can find. First, I had to allow cookies (I can’t imagine why I wouldn’t allow them). Next, I had to learn what a “blog” is. I now kinda know. If you have further suggestions, I’m open for suggestions. Judy Dent
Judy, I am so proud of you!! :) I’ll come by and help you if you need it!! Love, TL
HELP….Matthew 10:21, last sentence.
This passage is Christ’s warning that being a disciple is not without cost. Conflict, even within the family, can be expected as we seek to live for Him. And we must be prepared for that … even our children may turn against as we are obedient to the Gospel.
oops wrong one, 10:23. “I say unto you, Ye shall not have gone through the cities of Israel, till the Son of man be come. ” Lots of different meanings in commentary for “till the Son of man be come”. I was interested in what all the bloggers thought?