According to the foreknowledge of God the Father, in the sanctification of the Spirit, for obedience to Jesus Christ and for sprinkling with his blood: May grace and peace be multiplied to you.
1 Peter 1:2
We’re gearing up for a new Bible memory challenge beginning this month. (Bonus: It will complement a new Bible study also beginning here this fall.)
Here’s what to do:
- Pray about your possible participation as you read over 1 Peter 1.
- Register here beginning Wednesday, August 8, if you’d like to join in.
- Consider writing a blog post, FB status, or tweet (#HideHisWord) about scripture memorization, inviting others to walk alongside us.
- Then link your blog post here on Monday, August 6, to encourage others.
- Join our active Facebook group for extra support.
The quick details
- Text: 1 Peter 1:1-25 (whole chapter)
- Start: August 19, Sunday
- Finish: November 17, Saturday
- Suggested pace: ~2 verses a week
Comments or questions? Please leave a note below.
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! According to his great mercy, he has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
1 Peter 1:3
I’m so happy to see this! After two failed attempts at memorizing the book of 1 Peter I’ve been thinking quite a bit lately about trying again, but was a bit hesitant since I didn’t want to fizzle out a third time. This is just the encouragement and accountability I need to get back on track. Looking forward to joining in!
Wow. Sounds like this is great timing and placement for you, Meagan! I love when God works out things in this way. We’ll be glad to have you joining us.
I love that we can memorize this along with the study for the HelloMornings Challenge. :)
Yes, I think doing a study with what we’re memorizing is a great way to do it.
I’m excited and nervous. I just finished a study on 1 Peter and it will be great memorizing the first chapter!
That’s wonderful, MaryBeth! This will have any more meaning for you. Thanks for joining in.
So awesome! I can’t wait!
Yay! I’m always encouraged to have you with us, Shonda.
When I was in elementary school we memorized long passages like Hebrews 11 and I still remember lots of it. Then as I got older I would try to memorize verses here and there with all kinds of systems, but never consistent. Last November when I signed up to memorized Romans 8 was the first time I really challenged myself to memorize. It was hard, but I did it. Now, it is becoming easier and easier and I love hiding God’s Word in my heart. It keeps my mind really active and open to God.
What a beautiful testimony, Shonda. You inspire me to keep going.
This is so timely for me. Is commenting how you register?
Glad this is good timing for you, Rebecca. We’ll have the official registration here next Wednesday.
If I don’t get to register tomorrow it’s because I’m in labor! :) Is registration open for a little while?
Yikes! How exciting! Yes, registration will remain open for several weeks, and we’ll definitely keep it open for you anyway. :-) May God bless your birth experience! Just think: your baby will be over 3 months old when we’re finishing 1 Peter 1. {smile} Enjoy.
I would like to give this a go too! I usually learn Scripture in a whole different way, i.e.
So memorising a large portion of Scripture like this will be interesting for me!
Just read your blog post–so helpful! If you’d like, consider linking up at our memorization page for August:
I’m sure others would find your words as encouraging as I did.
There are so many ways to memorize. I keep a list of single verses that I like to read through over and over, so maybe they’ll sink in in the way you mentioned. I’d love that to happen.
Glad you’ll be joining us to try something different.
It’s been a while since I’ve done a scripture memorization challenge. The last one was the “virtuous woman” verses (10-31) of Proverbs 31..and that was some years ago. I look forward to getting back in the habit of scripture memorization!
I’ll be praying you jump right back into the groove, LuAnn. May the Lord bless the time we’ll be spending in His Word.