What a great month we’ve had digging deeper with you and talking about how our doctrines affect our beliefs and actions. Our goal this month was not to be wimpy women, and I think we’ve proven we’re theologians–we study God’s Word. We took on the challenge Paul gave Timothy, “Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, as a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of truth” (2 Timothy 2:15). We prayed each day this month that we would rightly handle the word of truth, and encourage our readers to also.
Here’s a wrap-up of the month:
- Doctrine of the Word of God: “God Said It…Do I Believe That’s Enough?” by Teri Lynne
- Existence of God: “Are You There God?” by Kathy
- Incommunicable Attributes of God: “God Is God” by Sandra
- Communicable Attributes of God: “In His Image” by Kristi
- Angels: “Mighty Ones on Guard” by Julie
- Doctrine of the Trinity: “Three-in-Oneness” by Kathy
- The Personhood of Christ: “The Word Became Flesh and Why That Matters” by Teri Lynne
- The Offices of Christ: “Prophet Priest & King–What the Offices of Christ Mean” by Stephanie
- The Work of the Holy Spirit: “Holy Ghost Power” by Teri Lynne
- The Doctrine of Creation: “Where Did Everything Come From?” by Stephanie
- The Essential Nature of Man: “Our Deep Well” by Julie
- The Doctrine of Sin: “Missing the Bull’s Eye” by Kathy
- The Doctrine of Grace: “Grace in the Sky Box” by Julie
- Conversion: “What Must I Do to Be Saved?” by Sandra
- Justification: “The Just One Who Justifies” by Kristi
- Adoption: “The Right to Become” by Julie
- Sanctification: “It’s a Process (Es Un Proceso)–Or Is It?” by Stephanie
- Baptism: “Attending Your Own Funeral” by Kristi
Did you enjoy our month on doctrine? Which topic got you “digging” the most?
This series was fantastic and spurs additional digging and studying.
I love that Timothy verse for this series (and all of our studying)! I so desire to “rightly handle the word of truth.”
Thank you all for such great truths here this month.
(Sorry for the late comment. I’m having to play blog reading catch-up this week!)