I sometimes get lost in my brokenness.
I focus too deeply on my problems. Sit too long on my mistakes. Refuse grace-given love too frequently.
I’m broken and don’t deserve love, but that’s the point of grace.
Depths of Music
As much as I love words (and, like Ali, I really do), music (and dance) can express depths where words sometimes cannot breach.
When you think of brokenness and grace, you might think of the song “Amazing Grace”:
Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound
That saved a wretch like me.
I once was lost,
But now am found.
Was blind but now I see.
John Newton, the author of this song, saw numerous trial and tribulations, many at his own doing. Even after a breakthrough moment for him during a literal storm, his faith grew gradually into a healed and powerful force.
The song “I Saw the Light” brings more, well, light to brokenness:
Just like a blind man I wandered along
Worries and fears I claimed for my own
Then like the blind man that God gave back his sight
Praise the Lord I saw the light.I saw the light I saw the light
No more darkness no more night
Now I’m so happy no sorrow in sight
Praise the Lord I saw the light.
This song, originally by Hank Williams in 1948, has been covered numerous times. I love this version from David Crowder Band. As soon as I sing or hear this song, I remember that I’m not stuck in my past mistakes.
I sang those two to my children as babies when they cried and I was weary. Soothing balms to our souls.
I also replay “I Am New,” a contemporary song from Jason Gray, when I need yet another reminder:
Now I won’t deny
The worst you could say about me
But I’m not defined
By mistakes that I’ve made
Because God says of meI am not who I was
I am being remade
I am new
I am chosen and holy
And I’m dearly loved
I am new
Do you need to hear that again like I do?
We are not defined by our mistakes. We are chosen and holy and dearly loved. We are new.
“Therefore, as God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience.” – Colossians 3:12
How These Songs Heal
These songs are just a few of those that both wreck my heart and fill it to overflowing with joy at the same time.
Sometimes a song draws my attention back to renewal when just a thought won’t. Sometimes a song (music and words together) reaches farther into our hearts than words alone. Music combines multiple modes of expression together. Mutliple ways to explore, learn, turn, remember, and praise.
As this article on the significance of the Psalms (and song) from Bible.org states: “The greatest calling of the church and of individual Christians is not to be evangelists or teachers or exhorters or comforters, but worshippers.” Song helps us do just that.
“My heart, O God, is steadfast; I will sing and make music with all my soul.
Awake, harp and lyre! I will awaken the dawn.
I will praise you, Lord, among the nations; I will sing of you among the peoples.” – Psalm 108:1-3
Other Songs for Beauty in Brokenness
- My husband and I are big fans of Switchfoot. Intelligent lyrics with a sincere faith foundation. Take a look at “The Shadow Proves the Sunshine” off the [amazon_link id=”B000CDG5AY” target=”_blank” ]Nothing is Sound album[/amazon_link].
- Our family loves basically anything from [amazon_link id=”B001MIFVIK” target=”_blank” ]Seeds Family Worship[/amazon_link]. Every song verses as lyrics, accompanied by varied and interesting music (not at all hokey). I love the song using John 16:33 as lyrics.
- If you need a song to bounce and sing to, try “Happy Day” from Tim Hughes.
- If you like learning the history and affects of songs and hymns, take a look at the [amazon_link id=”078523182X” target=”_blank” ]Then Sings My Soul book series[/amazon_link] from Robert Morgan.
Sing praise with me. What are some of your favorite songs to remind you of His grace that covers brokenness?
“Music (and dance) can express depths where words sometimes cannot breach: http://wp.me/p1Su7F-2TE #SingPraise via @DoNotDepart” – Click here to tweet this.
“What are some of your favorite songs to remind you of His grace? http://wp.me/p1Su7F-2TE #SingPraise with @DoNotDepart” – Click here to tweet this.
Two of me favorites are the second verse of “Before the Throne of God Above” by Charitie Bancroft, sung by various people:
When Satan tempts me to despair
And tells me of the guilt within,
Upward I look and see Him there
Who made an end of all my sin.
Because the sinless Savior died
My sinful soul is counted free.
For God the just is satisfied
To look on Him and pardon me.
…and the second verse of “I Could Not Do Without Thee” by Frances Ridley Havergal, also sung by various people:
I could not do without Thee,
I cannot stand alone,
I have no strength or goodness,
No wisdom of my own;
But Thou, beloved Savior,
Art all in all to me,
And weakness will be power
If leaning hard on Thee.
Love those, Barbara. That second song really impacts me. Thanks for sharing these!