Can someone just give us an end date?
Sometimes being stuck in the middle is the hardest part of a journey. But even here, God can bless us, if we won’t give up.
Stuck in the Middle
We know when it began, when the coronavirus started keeping us in our homes. But we don’t know when it’s going to end. We don’t know when we can safely hug our friends again or sing with the choir at church or reunite grandkids and grandparents to play together.
Being in the middle can feel abysmal.
Whether it’s from the pandemic or other circumstances . . .
- Our strength wanes; we’re weak.
- Our supplies run out; we’re thirsty.
- Our optimism turns dark; we’re discouraged.
Help in Psalm 84:5-7
But our lack never takes God by surprise. As we look at Psalm 84 this month (see all the posts here), we can see how God met needs in the middle of Old Testament days and how He can meet our needs right now in the middle of 2020.
5 Blessed are those whose strength is in you, in whose heart are the highways to Zion.
6 As they go through the Valley of Baca they make it a place of springs; the early rain also covers it with pools.
7 They go from strength to strength; each one appears before God in Zion.
Psalm 84
The sons of Korah wrote this song likely to give hope to the Israelites in exile 2600 years ago. They were also stuck in the middle of their story.
In Psalm 84, they praise God where they are now, but they also look forward to praising God elsewhere later. (Listen to a modern version of the song here).
We can do the same. We, too, can find reasons to praise Him now, and reasons to praise Him later.
3 Ways to Find Strength in the Middle
Here are 3 things we can use from Psalm 84:5-7 to help us in our middle.
Swap your strength for God’s strength, even though it can feel counterintuitive to lay down our strength.
But when we humble ourselves and realize we can’t bear up on our own, we take on God’s strength.
Admit your weaknesses and depend on His power, one day at a time. Remind yourself often that He lifts up those who look to Him. Set your eyes on Him throughout your day.
His strength is in you.
“Blessed are those whose strength is in you, in whose heart are the highways to Zion.”
Psalm 84:5
In Psalm 84:6, the psalmists say they find springs of water in the Valley of Baca (Baca was probably a large shrub).
Even in the desolate places, God has a history of providing water for His people. Where is God providing water for you? Are you going there to drink?
Allow yourself to be replenished by God’s grace by drinking deeply from His provisions. Expect to find Him everywhere, even in unexpected places. Maybe in a song, a scripture, a conversation, an experience, a prayer, a book.
His rain fills every pool.
“As they go through the Valley of Baca they make it a place of springs; the early rain also covers it with pools.”
Psalm 84:6
In the muddled middle, we’re most tempted to give up. We’ve lost the enthusiasm that came at the start, and the end goal seems out of reach.
But at this time, more than ever, we need to keep our eyes focused on the breathtaking view at the summit. Reframe your perspective to remember that not only is God with you in this situation, but there are better times ahead.
God won’t leave us down. He brought us this far to bring us up, to see us through to the end. Set short-term goals to stay motivated through each day. But remember the long-term goal of getting to the other side.
At each stop along the way, God has a gift for you. He has a special strength awaiting you. Travel from one stop to the next, picking up a new strength designed specifically for you, specifically for this step.
Go from strength to strength.
“They go from strength to strength; each one appears before God in Zion.”
Psalm 84:7
Stay on the Right Road
Our journey isn’t over yet. We don’t have an end date.
But we can trust we’re on the right road to victory if we’re walking with God.
Let’s keep seeing God both along the way and at the end of the road.
- Swap your strength for His.
- Drink from unexpected springs in dry valleys.
- Reframe your perspective, going from strength to strength.
Not only is God worthy of our praise now, He will be worthy of our praise at the end, too.
With God, we can do this. We are and will be blessed.
Even in the middle.
Reflection Questions
1. Do a mental walk through your history of hard times. What was the hardest point? When did you most see God?
2. The Valley of Baca (Psalm 84:6) may be the same as Bochim in Judges 2:1-5. Read the story there. What lessons can you apply to your situation?
3. Look for a common theme in these verses and their surrounding text. How does it help you persevere in the middle?
- Psalm 84:7, Strength to strength
- John 1:16, Grace to grace
- 2 Corinthians 3:18, Glory to glory
Do you feel like you’re in the middle of something? What helps you keep hope alive? Share your thoughts in the comments.
Psalm 84 is one of my favorites, which I may say of many of them :) It always reminds me that God does not leave us in the middle. He always leads us through and in that, I am encouraged while we are yet in the middle of this crisis. Blessings!
Yes, I am so grateful for many psalms that bring us hope and courage. Psalm 84 is definitely an appropriate one for this crazy middle we’re in now. I need all the encouragement I can squeeze out of it. :) I’m grateful for God’s faithfulness in every stage of our journey. Thanks, Joanne.
…staying strong is the goal.
Yes, and your finding beauty in every day helps too!
Most definitely, I’m finding my strength, and the will to march ahead in these days, in God. It is hard to be in the middle with no end in sight, but I am resting in God’s promises and His companionship to get me through.
Wonderful post, Lisa! Blessings!
His companionship is the best, yes? It helps to know we’re never alone, beginning or middle or end. Thanks, Martha.
I love Psalm 84. What a testament to the strength of God’s people. It is tough to stay on the right road when we don’t know where it’s going or when it’s going to end, but we can find comfort in knowing that God is walking beside us. Thanks for this encouragement, Lisa. I need the reminders!
You describe it so well, Laurie! When we can trust the road is going the right direction, we can have faith to stay on it. I’m thankful God never abandons us to find our own way.
Great reminder. Thank you.
It’s a reminder for myself too. So glad you’ve been memorizing with us! You’ve added so much to the group.
Lisa, hi! I love #2 … the beauty, the invitation of those unexpected springs of living water that refreshes our parched and weary souls when we seem stuck in the middle with no end in sight.
May God give us eyes to discern the unexpected gifts that await …
I had an unexpected spring come up from the ground yesterday (and it involves seeing my granddaughters soon!) so I’m thanking God for quenching my thirst. Blessings to you, friend, as He shows you new delights in the coming days as well.
Thanks, Lisa. I feel like I’ve been “in the middle” for a while…years…but what you wrote is true…God has renewed my strength again and again and again. God is gracious.
That’s encouraging to hear that you’ve been restrengthened over and over, Dolly. God is faithful. Thanks for sharing!
This is one of my favorite psalms and one I never applied before to my messy middles – a difficult place for all of us and I for sure struggle thre. Thanks for the wonderful insight and encouragement.
Thanks, Jean. I struggle in the middle, too. It sometimes seem things are slow-going here; I lack the excitement of the beginning and face discouragement when the finish line still seems so far away. But I’m thankful God gives us ways to stay strong at every point along the way.
Enjoyed this, Lisa. And love this line: “Let’s keep seeing God both along the way and at the end of the road.” So good, because He is there no matter the road, even in the valley, He’s there from the entry point until we make it out the other side!
Yes, it’s such a blessing to know there is never a step we take, that God isn’t with us. We may sometimes step off the path He recommends, but He doesn’t abandon us there but continually loves us back. Thanks, Karen!
So many great ways to encourage ourselves in the Lord, Lisa! And I’m going to consider what “springs” I can drink from that are flowing in my life. I’m sure God will give me lots of ideas! Pinning this, my friend!
Thanks, Beth. God gave me an extra spring this past weekend by giving me time with my sweet grandbabies. It helped quench my thirst!
“Strength to strength” … I picture like the stepping stones across the waters one at a time. One hard thing at a time with the strength and faithfulness of the Lord…one at a time. He is my Stronghold and will not let me slip. Oh, that I will remember this. Loving you, my friend. ~ linda
I love your imagery, Linda. Stepping stone to stepping stone. A long journey seems more manageable when we look at one step at a time. Thanks for sharing this insight! Blessings to you.
Lisa, loved this and I’m sure I left a comment yesterday here. Wonder if it didn’t go through? What a great line: “Let’s keep seeing God both along the way and at the end of the road.” When I think about the recent valley I was walking through, the entry was rough, of course. But the middle was grueling. Because I wanted the end to be in site. And not all valleys end soon, but they all eventually come to an end.
Yes, your previous comment is showing up here, Karen! We’ve had some glitchy things happen lately. :(