That lovely spring day, as I was sitting in the lecture hall, the professor was saying something about COGS (that’s “Cost of Goods Sold” to you non-finance majors), income statements, cash flow statements, equity, and all that fun stuff. While the professor lectured, I, of course, was looking around the classroom, checking the time, doodling on the margin of my notebook–anything but taking in the words that he spoke. It wasn’t that I was bored with the subject (what can be more fun than studying finance!), but I was not and am still not much of an auditory learner! (I did pass the class, and go on to get my business degree.) I can’t even listen to audiobooks. Once I got home and I read through the chapter, it made more sense to me. There were charts and numbers to look at on the pages.
Kids are exactly the same way when it comes to learning. Some learn better through reading, and others by doing. Although there are serious topics that we can discuss about in the Bible, we also have to make it fun and interesting for kids (and adults) to want to learn it.
As a former Child Development student (yes, I almost also was on my way to getting this degree), we were taught about all the different learning styles. There are even combinations of the learning styles too. Today, I want to share with you three learning styles, and a few resources that are available for those types of learners.
Visual Learners
Visual learners learn best through seeing things. Maps, charts, sign language/hand motions, videos, outlines, flashcards, notes, and highlighting are all things that are helpful for visual learners to absorb the information.
Resources for visual learners
- DVDs – [amazon_link id=”B00BBJ63IM” target=”_blank” ]What’s in the Bible DVD series[/amazon_link]
- Bible Storybooks – [amazon_link id=”1414348304″ target=”_blank” ]My First Hands-On Bible[/amazon_link], [amazon_link id=”B007UQ46P2″ target=”_blank” ]The Beginner’s Bible[/amazon_link], [amazon_link id=”B007WRPUFE” target=”_blank” ]The Jesus Storybook Bible[/amazon_link]
- Game – [amazon_link id=”B000CR7J32″ target=”_blank” ]Superbook[/amazon_link]
Auditory Learners
Resources for auditory learners
- CDs – Seeds Family Worship, [amazon_link id=”B0002XVKLI” target=”_blank” ]PraiseBaby[/amazon_link], Songs for Saplings
- Podcasts – Daily Audio Bible, Adventures in Odyssey
Tactile/Kinesthetic Learners
Resources for tactile/kinesthetic learners
- Awana clubs – Leaders teach creative Bible lessons using skits, visual, puppets, object lessons
- Art – [amazon_link id=”B004PZWV08″ target=”_blank” ]See the Light[/amazon_link] (Drawing Children to Him), Mike’s Inspiration Station
- Vacation Bible School during the summer
- Putting on a play
- We Choose Virtues
- Journaling
- GrapeVine Studies – Stick Figuring through the Bible
- The American Bible Challenge on Gameshow Network
Joyce is a business major turned PreK teacher turned stay-at-home mommy to 2 little girls (ages 5 and 2.5.) She likes to dabble in a little bit of everything, from writing newsletters (for our family and for MOPS) to crafting to trying out new recipes…basically just trying new things.
She loves God, family and friends, date nights, board games, books, and blogging. You can visit her over at Keeping Up with the Moys.
Such a great resource list, Joyce! Thanks for sharing all these various ideas for different types of learners.
Thanks for having me here, Caroline! :)
Love this resource, Joyce! We adore the Jesus Storybook Bible, even though my kids are older (2nd-4th grade). It somehow transcends picture book status…it’s ageless, really. Made me tear up so many times when we read through it.
I totally agree with you about the Jesus Storybook Bible, Katie. My husband and I continue to be amazed at how it shows Christ woven in it all. Incredible.
Yes! My girls love the Jesus Storybook Bible too! Glad to hear that older ones enjoy it too.
So glad you included many links, Joyce. I’m sure this will be a great help to many mamas and daddies too. Great post!
Thanks, Lisa!!