When was the last time you felt used? I’m not referring to the last time some inconsiderate person took advantage of you. I’m talking about the last time God worked through you. When was the last time you felt used by God as an instrument of His will?
The Bible says God saved us to do good works. (Not saved by good works. We are saved completely and totally by grace through faith.) Before God ever saved us He had already made out a “to-do” list for us – specific things He wants us to do in the scope of His overall plan. (See Ephesians 2:10.) This truth should overwhelm us with gratitude! God does not need us for anything (Acts 17:25), yet He chooses to involve us – His sinful, imperfect people – in His work.
This glorious truth caused Mary, the mother of Jesus, to break out in a song of thanksgiving and praise. Humbled in God’s choosing, she felt favored that God would use her to bring His son into the world.
And Mary said, “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for He has been mindful of the humble state of His servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me – holy is His name.” Luke 1:46-49, NIV
I am thankful for the times I have been used by God. I regularly recognize and thank God for the privilege of teaching His Word, for using me to encourage someone else, or to serve His church. However, I have been completely overcome with gratitude during those times when God has allowed me to participate when He brings a soul into His Kingdom.
In my experience, there is nothing more humbling, overwhelming, and joyful than praying with someone to accept Christ as their Savior. Not long ago, I wrote about one such experience with an 87 year-old-woman in Moldova. I still thank God that in His grace He let me witness this spiritual birth!
Share examples with us of times you’ve been thankful for being used by God. In what specific ways has God worked through you that fostered feelings of gratitude to God?
Kathy ~ Our hearts certainly beat with the same passion. I just spoke about Epesians 2:10 last Tuesday at a ladies event. I don’t want to miss one good work He has preordained that I walk in! And I can’t get over that He chooses to use us. I’m absolutely amazed that He would use me to serve Him in His kingdom! What a gracious God – what an awesome Savior!
I just want my life to be one big THANK YOU card to Jesus for all He is and all He has done!
I was just considering today how thankful I am for opportunities to serve. I regularly feel unworthy to serve Him (which is true). But I shouldn’t let that get in the way of acting on the opportunities He provides. Instead, I can put on that attitude of thankfulness and praise for being able to live for Him!