The disciples stood staring at the clouds. Jesus just said the final words to His disciples, “You will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you” and “You will be my witnesses.” Imagine the roller coaster of emotions they had felt in the previous weeks- starting with the beautiful fellowship of the last supper, the surprise at Jesus’ betrayal, the agony of the cross, the miracle of the resurrection, the final teaching of Jesus, and finally His ascension. Remember the episodes of “Saved by the Bell” when Zach would call a time-out and the show would stop? If I were a disciple at that moment, I would want to call a time out. But the disciples can’t waste a minute.
Then two angels appear and essentially say, “Alright brothers, move on, nothing to see here!” And the next chapter of their lives began.
Acts 2 begins with the Holy Spirit descending just as Jesus had promised. The Holy Spirit worked both through the disciples as they spoke, and through the crowd as they listened and responded. Then Peter (who so often said the wrong thing at the wrong time in the Gospels) spoke to the crowd of thousands, and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, spoke the right words at the right time. 2:37 says, “When they heard they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the disciples, ‘Brothers, what shall we do?'” Peter responded, “Repent and be baptized…” By the end of the the day of Pentecost, Scripture says there were about three thousand souls saved. The disciples may have wanted to call another time out at this point. What were they going to do with all these new brothers and sisters?
Acts 2:42 says, “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers.” The first church was born.
Imagine yourself there on the “birth day” of the church. Like the three thousand who were gathered there, ask the Holy Spirit to move you. If you haven’t taken the first steps of repentance and baptism, we would love to talk more with you personally through email.
If you have taken those steps, don’t call a time-out. Devote yourself to the study of God’s Word, encourage and be encouraged by fellowship with other believers, share your blessings, and pray. The challenge Jesus gave to the disciples has not been completed. We must continue to be His witnesses to the ends of the earth. The church has a job to do!
Sandra, what an important reminder of the very big job we have to do and how we can’t quit until its done! Thank you!
Sandra, thanks for helping us picture the birth of the church! What a glorious thing!
Sandra ~ I loved the way you unfolded the birth of the church and reminded us of our mission at the same time! How easy it is to forget that we are part something that calls us to live beyond ourselves as we seek to advance His kingdom.
By the way – I love “Saved by the Bell” :-)
What an exciting beginning! You are so right about the emotional roller coaster the disciples had been on, but perhaps God used this to prepare them to be convinced of their need for fellowship and community to go along with their worship and their light bearing.