Every temptation to sin is, in the moment, a temptation to disbelieve the gospel-the temptation to secure for ourselves in that moment something we think we need in order to be happy, something we don’t yet have: meaning, freedom, validation, and so on. Bad behavior happens when we fail to believe that everything we need, in Christ we already have; it happens when we fail to believe in the rich provisional resources that are already ours in the gospel. Conversely, good behavior happens when we daily rest in and receive the finished work of Christ in deeper and deeper ways, smashing any sense of need to secure for ourselves anything beyond what Christ has already secured for us.
-Tullian Tchividjian, Jesus + Nothing = Everything

May I give you a heart-felt thank you!
Thank you for recommending this book.
I am only 35% through the book and have identified the sin that has almost destroyed me in the last year.
The “performancism” idol that I made myself cater too, and judged others performance also, was strangling me.
The freedom of the Gospel for everyday living, abundant freedom and God’s love will never be outdone.
Thank you Thank you Thank you.
Lois in Kansas
You are welcome, Lois! We just love to share good resources and books. God is so good and faithful to bring us what we need to reveal truth in our lives.
Thanks for sharing!
Thank you for sharing this, Katie. Hope you don’t mind me sharing this quote in the morning on http://rosesandrhinos.blogspot.com/… I’m off to find a copy of the book. Sounds like a good read!