The human heart seems to be programmed to respond to story.
We love a good cathartic tale where the good guy wins and love is trustworthy and everything turns out right in the end. We are drawn to tales of romance where the strong man fights to win the girl’s hand and vows to love her and protect her and soothe her broken heart. It becomes even more exciting if the world this woman faces is dangerous, cruel, and evil – and her man steps forward as the good knight in shining armor.
Did you know there was a story like that in the Bible? It’s a good one.
True, its time period and culture makes it a little hard for us to equate to a great story of romance. We lose some of the power of this story of true godly love because it is hard for us to relate to.
But this is a great tale; greater still because it is true. An amazing story because it so beautifully illustrates the sovereignty of God, the redemptive love of Jesus Christ, the care with which he orchestrates the smallest details of our lives, and the nobility He created in masculinity and femininity.
Intrigued? Join us through the month of March as we “dig in” to one of my favorite stories of all…
Can’t wait!
Ooohhh . . . I absolutely {love} Ruth. I’ve recently completed Kelly Minter’s Bible study “Ruth: Loss, Love, and Legacy” and heard her speak on the same topic – so I’m excited about this. I can’t wait.
Wonderful! We’re so glad to have you join us and look forward to you sharing what you’ve learned, Lorna!
Oh, I just love Ruth! Can’t wait for this series!
Me, either! :)
You’re so right about the power of story. We’re impacted the most when we see the reality of faith in others’ lives – in older stories and in examples now.
Christ knew how effective story and relating truth to subjects people understand is when He told so many parables.
I’m looking forward (as always) to this next series!